chapter 8

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ heathers pov
Me and Jaime woke up early a few hours before Taylor and Vic woke up.

"Jaime I'm gonna go take a shower k" I said grabbing my clothes. "Can I come with you" Jaime asked giving me a wink. "Why not come on" Jaime's face lit up once I said that. "Wow I didn't know I'd get this far" Jaime said. "I'll be there in a bit I'm just gonna get my clothes."

I was already in the shower when I heard the door close. I slightly move the shower curtain to see Jaime getting undressed. He pushed the curtain aside and entered. Since I was facing the wall Jaime said my name and once I turned around. He crashed his lips onto mine and his tongue collided with mine. Jaime pulled away "heather I love you not for what you think but I've fallen in love with your personality and I love you."
"I love you too" I replied.

Before we did anything we cleaned up a little. Then Jaime entered my body with his. I could feel my back want to arch but I couldn't do much since I was standing up. I started to give him a blow because we were both getting even more horny than we already were.

Half an hour later we finish our business and walk out. Taylor and Vic are still sleeping. We went to my room and I was still in my towel, Jaime was already dressed.

A few minutes later when I was dressed Jaime brought something to my attention. "It's just one phone call." Jaime said. I took the phone from Jaime's grip and dialed the number to the local police station. "hello... Um yeah I have a problem.... Well see my ex boyfriend is harassing me and my friends.... He called me and he told me he has me and my friend Taylor right where he wants us and if I told her he would kill our friend Vic.. Yes... He said if I tell Taylor about this then he would kill Vic...Yeah this was yesterday.... His name is Eli Carter.... He called from a private number.... He's not... What should I do until then.... Okay thank you." And I hung up the phone.

"What did they say" Jaime asked. I took a deep sigh and "they told me to keep everyone in this house. And they also said that Eli is supposed to be in jail he uh broke out." I trailed off. "But they will find him though right?" Jaime asked. I just shrugged my shoulders

Taylor's pov

I woke up in the media room. Why are we here? Why did we bring clothes? I wondered. I stretched out my arms and almost woke up Vic. I turned my phone on and heard heather and Jaime talking. "It's just one phone call" I heard. Vic started walking up and moving around but he started falling back asleep. I heard something "kill Vic" heather said. I looked down at Vic's sleeping body and a tear started to form in my eyes. I shook Vic until he woke up. "What what time is it" Vic mumbled. I hugged Vic so tight I hurt myself just hugging him.
Mikes pov
Kellin seems really upset about this. I have a plan but he may not like it. "I have a plan but you may not like it though" I announced. "What's your plan?" Kellin asked all curiously. I told kellin my plan for part one. "That's good" kellin said "good now all we have to do is set up a party. who should we invite" I asked. "Sleeping with sirens this Saturday" kellin simply replied. I texted all of sleeping with sirens and they said they'd come with alcohol.
Vic's pov
I didn't even know what was going on. I don't remember what happened yesterday. Why am I at heathers? I was being shooken awake by Taylor. She was obviously nervous about something, I could tell because she started hugging me so tight.

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