chapter 1

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Kellins pov

Heather kicked me out. I can't go to my hotel because my room is not reserved anymore. I deserved it though. I haven't told her the history, I left my child to be born without a father, I destroyed my relationship with heather, I haven't forgotten about katelynne and heater saw those texts. I destroyed my life.

I didn't have a place to stay. I went to katelynne's place. The cab ride took me about 39 minutes. I knocked on the cream colored door to see katelynne. The only thing that crossed my mind was enter the dragon. "Katelynne can I come in?" katelynne rolled her eyes and moved away into the house, leaving the door open.

As I walked into the cinnamon scented house I saw a young child laying on a blanket squirming around. "Kellin why are you here?" she said poking out her lips to propose an annoyed person. "A bunch of reasons actually... Do you have a minute to talk?" I question. Katelynne nodded taking the little girl who was squirming upstairs and motioned for me to follow.

I followed her upstairs and katelynne put the little girl in a crib and motioned for me to follow her. Katelynne took me to her room and shut the door. "Kellin what did you want to talk about?" Katelynne hissed. "Well it occurred to me that I have a child and I would like to meet him or her. I know I should've probably done that long ago but I couldn't get in contact with you..."

The expression didn't change on katelynne's face. "Fine her name is Copeland.  She is two. She doesn't know who you are but anyways, wait here..." Katelynne snickered.

I waited a few minutes and then saw katelynne walking in the room holding the small child. Katelynne set the small child down hesitantly. "Hey cope do you know who this is?" katelynne spoke in baby voice. The baby started making giggling noises and started talking gibberish. "He's your father he's here to come meet you..."

After Copeland and I spent some time together katelynne brought her to her nap. "Don't you want to get going?" katelynne said strictly. "Um I also came here because...I don't really have a place to stay..."
                        Heathers pov
Okay I just kicked kellin out of my house. Why did I do that. What do I do? What do I do?  Okay first you just need to think clearly.  It's already been about an hour worth of time thinking on what to do.  I picked up my phone and dialed kellins number.  It rang and rang and rang. "Hello?"  kellin spoke with a sad voice. "Kellin I'm so sorry please come back. I know I may have over reacted but---" right after I said that he hung up.  I felt really bad so I just went to bed... At 7:30. So pathetic...

2 months later

It's been officially 2  months since kellin left. Why is he acting like such a baby? I kicked him out but, that doesn't mean he can't talk to me for two freaking months. For the time being of kellins disappearance, Vic has been trying to get me to get out more, and socialize more, and have fun. I haven't even talked to kellins band since the party.

I bet that if kellin told them they'd hate me even more, but they'd be happy because kellins out of my life. Since I was spending time at casa de Pierce The Veil, I had to socialize with Mike and Tony, and so did Taylor. We all walked to the movie theater going to see a movie called 5 million possibilities.

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