chapter 9

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Heathers pov
Three days later

I received a phone call from the police department I assumed that it was about Eli. "Hello..... Thank you thank you thank you.... Um no no please don't put him on the phone... Thank you again... Okay... Bye" I spoke to the phone. "What was that" Jaime asked wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "That was the police station they arrested Eli he is going to prison for a few years." I said with a large smile forming on your face. Jaime picked me up and spun me around.

"So I gotta talk to you. Mike is throwing this party this Saturday. I was wondering if you would care to have our date night on Sunday instead?" Jaime asked nervously looking at the floor. "Jaime if you want to attend this party just go. I can't tell where you can and can't go." After that Jaime smuggled his lips on mine and begged for enterance. I let him in. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his on my waist and pulled me closer, until there was no space between us.

I don't know but whenever me and Jaime touch I can feel something. It feels like butterflys. When Jaime told me he loves me was that only because of the sex. Because when I told him, I meant it. I know he's the one I can feel it

The morning of the party

Today is mikes party. Jaime told me that sleeping with sirens would be there. I didn't really want to go anyways, I don't really drink. I will only drink once in a blue moon or when I'm really upset about something.

It was 30 minutes before the party and I could tell Mike was nervous about something. He kept looking at me and then talking to kellin, who arrived 15 minutes later. Kellin did the same thing as Mike did.

Me and Jaime went upstarts before the party. "Heather" I turned my head to face Jaime. "Yeah" I responded. "I love you I really do. And that night when we had sex I didn't say it because of that. I really do love you. Your personality. Your beauty. Everything about you. I love you." Jaime said sincerely. "I love you too." I said without hesitation. I kissed Jaime on the lips, then layed my head on his shoulder, and wrapped my arms around his body.

There was a knock on the door and a drunk kellin pushed the door open. "Hey party started at this time ago. To face the fact that they took ask the liquor kills Mike and I want a drink" Kellin slurred pointing to his wrist with no watch and tumbled away. Me and Jaime exchanged looks and got up.

"I love you" Jaime said "I love you too" I said. Closing the space between us we kissed. I trust Jaime more than anyone, more than Taylor. I rested my head on his chest, that held his breathing heart. "Your so beautiful my love" Jaime complemented "thank you, your so handsome" I complemented back.

It was already 10:38 and people were already drunk, Jaime only had two shots of vodka because he didn't feel like getting a hangover. Mike feel asleep on the staircase. Jaime and Vic went into the kitchen. and Tony was dancing almost naked somewhere else. All that was left in the room was me and kellin and Justin. The last people I ever wanted to see.

"Victor Vicky-vic!!!!!" Kellin screamed and ran after Vic. It was already roudy over here kellin was just making it worse. "Why are you here" Justin snarled. "Excuse me" I sassed. "you have no right to break up sleeping with sirens. Now next thing you know your gonna break up peirce the veil. You got what you wanted you should be ashamed." Justin yelled how did Jaime not hear this. how did Mike not wake up from this. How did kellin and Vic not hear this.

"Um excuse me but I didn't-" Justin cut me off "I talk you listen" Justin hissed. "At least 'm not some selfish lousy tramp who sleeps with everyone she sees. You only want Jaime for his money. Jaime would be hurt if he found out that you only want him for that one reason. " I had enough of this. "No I talk you listen" I shouted as meanly as possible. "Thats a lot coming from an incompetent boy who's only in a band because he can't do anything himself in life!" I shouted. "Your gonna wish you hadn't" Justin spat. I got up and left not even telling Jaime.

To be honest I feel really bad inside. As I was walking home I was crying because what Justin said was true. I'm a lousy tramp. Waste. I've always wanted to die because nobody appreciates or loves me. With tears blurring my vision, I tried getting home as quick as possible.

When I got home I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. I ransacked the bathroom drawer and pulled out my blade . I opened the bedroom door and locked myself in there. I couldn't help myself any longer. 1 cut 2 cuts 3 cuts 4 5 cuts 6 cuts razor blade I need more. 11...12...13...14 I then moved to my upper arms. 15...16...17...18...19......20. There was a lot of blood all over my arms, all over the floor, and all over my clothes. I think I passed out because everything went black and I felt tired. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jaime's pov

This party was really crazy everyone was roudy. Mike fell asleep on the stairs. And Tony was running around almost naked. I didn't have very much, only two shots of vodka. These guys are gonna have pretty bad hangovers.

I couldn't find heather anywhere, I looked all over. She's not at Vic's anymore... is she?

I soon left the party in hopes of finding heather. I went to her house and it was quiet. The lights were on. When I called her name a few times there was no response. As I walked upstairs I saw that the bathroom door was open, and the drawer was opened and messy. I knocked on her door and tried to open it but the door was locked. This is not good. I tried to open it anyway possible. I soon broke the doorknob and was able to get inside the room.

I saw heather lying on the ground covered with blood and a little silver blade on the floor lifeless. That's when I called 911

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