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Jaime's pov

That night I had sex with heather. It was amazing, I loved it.

Afterword we went down to the living room and we just talked and, it was nice.

Kellins pov
After I left the room at the party I couldn't find her. She left.

The day after I got a call from Vic, he was talking about heather, she's in the hospital. My heart sank. What happened to her? Was all I thought. He didn't tell me why she was in the hospital. He said that he was going to meet up with her, but not at the moment because he and Taylor were busy.

I still love her and the fact that I fucked up or relationship, hurts more than anything now. I need to get her back but... She's with Jaime now. I can never get her back.

Jaime's pov again

As we were laying on the couch talking, heather snuggled her head into my chest, and wrapped her arms around me. As our conversation grew she wrapped her leg around me and got comfortable.

Heathers pov

Cuddling with Jaime is so nice. Especially when he plays with your booty hahaha. "So when do you wanna go on a date. You know like a real one with no interruptions." Jaime asked. "I don't know when do you want to? Whatever works for you works for me." I responded "Saturday?". "works for me" I said.

It was like three hours later, I made some toast with thick layers of nutella. Jaime came up from behind me, and wrapped his arms around my waist. While I held his hands in mine he whispered "I love you" into my ear, then started kissing my cheek. "I love you too" I said turning around and kissing Jaime on his lips.

Some time later

"Jaime can you hand me my phone over there, I'll order a pizza instead."
Once Jaime handed my my phone I dialed the pizza place number and ordered a pepperoni pizza. The pizza should arrive at 9:15 since it's going to be delivered.

It's already been 7 minutes since I ordered the pizza, and then my phone rings with Tony's name on the screen. "I'll be right back I gotta take this call" I say to Jaime and he nods.
As I'm outside on the back porch I answer my phone and Tony is freaking out over some big news.

"Heather this is so important! You'll never believe it! Taylor is pregnant with Vic's baby!" Tony was hysterical. I tried getting him to calm down but instead he explained to me about the situation. "The only thing is, she told me not to tell you. I don't know why though. Apparently she's been pregnant for a month." Tony rushed through the phone. "I wonder why she wouldn't tell me. Hey tone come over we're having pizza delivered." I announced through the phone "mk see you in five."

As soon as I hung up the phone I went to see Jaime. "Jaime I gotta tell you something". "I don't know how to say this but um... Taylor is pregnant."
Jaime turned to me surprised and said "how'd you find out?" Jaime asked. "You knew about this?!??!" I questioned with shock. "No no no I'm just asking how did you find out." Jaime said all collected. "Tony told me by the way he's on his way over."

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