Chapter Two

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Chapter Two - Journey to School

Have you ever heard of a sledgehammer? Because next time I sleep, I'm gonna take one with me just so I can sledgehammer my freaking alarm clock. But for now, the snooze button seems like the best choice.

After lots of snooze button pressing, I decided to look at the vermin not expecting to be startled from what I saw. But guess what? I did. Looking like a devil in red are the digits 7:00. Holy crap, it's already seven! School starts in like thirty minutes and I take like 30 minutes in the bathroom. Not to mention the fact that today's my first day. Clearly, I don't want to have the first impression of being a lazy student. Another problem is that I have no ride. No, wait. Gram said that that Andrew guy will give me one. Ugh. First, the alarm clock. Then, the time. Now, him. I hate that guy's guts. I can't believe I agreed to be friends with him in the first place.

Not only did he watch me sleep, he also smirks at me like he was some greek god who has everything--well, he does. Wait! Did I just think of that? Get a grip Tiff. That guy's a jerk.

As I hopped into the shower, I thought about the recent events that happened to me this past week. First, moving out to another town. Then, the surprise mom-is-a-rich-girl that shockingly surprised me--a lot. Third, my first day of school at this town and the fact that I can be the main attraction of bullying--I don't want that to happen. And lastly, knowing the guy next door named Andrew. I can't stop thinking about him. I want to hate him, but I can't. He's just so gorgeous. But why did they make the word pretend if you can't use it right?

"Earth to Tiffany!" exclaimed Mom.

I must have already gone out of the shower without me noticing because of my thoughts and spaced out in my bed. How can you even get out of the shower without you noticing? Weird.

"Good morning Mom," I replied.

"You should probably get dressed Honey because you're ride is already waiting downstairs," said mom.

I met her gaze. The gaze that never fails to make me happy. You see, if my mom is happy, I'm happy too. We have this bond that no other person could take away that's why I love her so much.

"And you're gonna be late if you don't move now." she added.

"Okay," I answered with panic realizing that I spaced out again.

I went to my dresser as fast as I could, slipped on my undergarments, removed my towel, put on some white over-sized sweater, skinny jeans and my pink Toms, dried my hair, fixed my bag and went downstairs as fast as I could. I breathed out a sigh of relief because I still have ten minutes until I am officially late for my first day.

When I was downstairs, I immediately saw Andrew. He's wearing a button down plaid shirt with white skinny jeans and Van's shoes. His hair was tousled to perfection making him look like he just stepped out of a magazine.

"Like what you see?" He asked smirking.

"I thought we were friends?" I shot back nonchalantly to cover up my not-so-obvious or very-very-obvious embarrassment, "Don't make me change my mind spider boy."

He shot me a curious look and said, "Why spider boy? I don't look like a spider or do I?"

"No, you don't look like a spider, but you have the same name as Andrew Garfield, the person who got the role of Spiderman in the new Spiderman movie. Hence, the nickname spider boy," I answered.

"Why spider boy? Why not spiderman?" he asked again.

"Because you're far from being a man. Grow up first." I smirked.

He looked at me grinning like some kid who got free candies. "You're so full of sur--"

"Did it occur to you that school starts in five minutes?" Mom cut him off.

"Okay bye Mom!" I went to Mom's side and hugged her. "Love you." I turned back and looked again at Andrew. Our eyes met, but I looked away first. "Let's go."

We walked to his car and my jaw dropped. His car looks like it was brand new--or it is? It is a red Ferrari. Did I mention earlier that I love boys with race cars? I want to compliment Andrew, but that would only make his ego bigger. So, I said nothing.

He opened the car door for me and I said thank you. The next thing I know, we were driving on our way to school. Andrew was over the speed limit. The speed limit was 20 km/ph and he was going 75.

"Please, slow down!" I shouted.

"Why?"he asked.

"Because I don't want to die?" I said declaratively, but came it out more as a question.

He thought for a while and looked at me. "Hmm, no," he said smirking.

"If you don't want to slow down, can you at least keep an eye on the road?" I asked, but he didn't reply.

- - -

A/N: Hi! This is supposed to be one long chapter for Tiff's first day of school in Ohio, but I cut it because I want to eleborate on the school in the next chapter. Also, Mr. Cliffhanger wants to say hi. I'm kinda evil. Sorry. :-))

What do you think happens next?

/jedd xx

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