Chapter Three

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Chapter Three - School

Bronson High School is not the typical high school you get to see in cliché movies and books or even in real life. With its huge structure, pristine walls with professional design and style, it really is one of a kind. Ohio never fails to surprise me.

Andrew and I went out of the car together and he lead me inside the huge edifice. I saw some students stare at me or Andrew or in general, us. Their looks were kinda weird, but I guess they're just curious about the new student who transferred in the middle of the semester.

Gladly, I still have two minutes left before I'm late.

"The office is that way," Andrew said pointing to the direction of the office. "If you need anything just call or text me"

He handed me a piece of torn paper with his number scribbled on it. I looked up at him and he said, "I gotta go now, see you!"

And then, he's gone. Not giving me the chance to say thank you or anything. I'm guessing he felt kinda guilty because I almost died of heart attack on the ride to school.

I went over to the reception and came face to face with a glum looking receptionist probably in her mid-thirties furiously typing on the computer in front of her. She looked up to me and plastered a fake smile on her face.

"Hi, may I help you?" She asked.

"Yes. I'm the new transfer student. My name is Tiffany Daniels," I said.

"Oh, yes. We've been expecting you. Here's your schedule," she said, passing me a sheet of paper.

"According to this, I'm having English Literature first. Can you please give me directions to the classroom?" I asked.

"You just have to walk straight in that direction and it's the second room to the left," she said.

"Thanks," I replied and took off to the direction she gave.

I'm thirty seconds late. I was silently cussing as I entered the classroom ever so slowly so that I don't make a grand entrance because I hate attention. Unfortunately, I failed.

The classroom was slightly bigger than my own personal bathroom in our house and that is saying something. Don't forget the fact that Grandma is loaded. I didn't mean to brag or anything, I'm just stating the truth. It was painted in a light color of peach that made it appear bigger than it was.

The noise that was once present was now nonexistent you could hear a pin drop because the students were staring at me like I killed a person. No, I didn't.

I looked at the young woman in front--probably in her late 20s. She looked beautiful with her blonde hair and baby blue eyes. She's probably a teacher because this is actually a school and she's in front. 'Duh,' I thought.

"Hello. You must be Tiffany Daniels, the new student?" the woman asked.

Geez, of course. That was a really stupid rhetorical question. But anyways, aren't rhetorical questions supposed to be stupid? I shook off the thought.

"Yes Ma'am. That would be me," I replied smiling.

"*cough* You're hot. *cough*" said or rather coughed some guy in the corner and then he and his friends laughed. I'm guessing he's a football player since he's wearing a varsity jacket and is bulky.

"Thanks," I said to the guy.

"Silence!" said the teacher, "I won't tolerate any disruptive and hormone-related behavior in my class" she added. And then the laughter died down. That was so cool. I'm starting to like this teacher.

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