Chapter Two: Bikes and Yoyos

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"Dang it." I said frustrated, as I let the yoyo fall and dangle from my hand.

This is an irritating toy...

Who would want to play with this!?

I rolled it back up to give it another try.

I breathed in, then breathed out three times to calm myself down. When I felt a bit calmer, I threw it hard towards the ground, letting gravity do the rest as the string attached to one of my fingers grew longer. When I felt it reach its end point, I pulled it right back up with the same amount of force. I see it roll back a bit. I must have gotten it right this time!


"Ughhhhhhh!" I groaned annoyingly as I rubbed my forehead, "Great! Now I'll surely have a huge bump right here in a few minutes 'cause of this good for nothing!"

I angrily stomped on the orange-y brown leaves scattered all over the ground. I huffed and threw the yoyo far away. I have anger issues. So what?

Ooh, you bettet get that. Mom would be so angry if she finds out you've lost the toy a few hours after she gave it to you. My inner voice reminded me.

She was right. Mom would throw a fit if she finds out. And she's scary when she's mad. Trust me, you wouldn't wanna see Hulk's long lost relative.

I puffed some warm air before I walked towards the direction where I threw that stinkin' toy. Why did she even have to go buy me a yoyo? Of all the toys in this world of innovative technology, why a yoyo?

Ugh, oh well. It's better that than nothing anyways. Besides, dad bought me a new deck of uno cards. I can't wait to go home and play with it.

I squinted my eyes to see where it landed. With arm strength like mine, I can be a baseball thrower. As I walked closer, I still couldn't see where it landed...

But my eyes caught something different instead.

A group of boys from school were hovering over the new weirdo kid in my grade. Judging from the silhouette of the one handling the kid from his collar, I bet that's Billy Faucner. He's in my gym class, and boy can he be a bully. He picked on almost everybody that was smaller than him. Except for me of course. I have a big weapon against that jerk that would make him flee like the little coward he really is.

That's cute. He even brought his own possy with him.

I looked at the weird kid who was laying on the floor. Looks like there was something trickling from the side of his head. Maybe they dumped some drink on him or something. But then, I focused my eyes a bit more.

It wasn't some juice. It was blood. Fresh blood was trickling from the side of his head!

Adrenaline pumped into me like an engine.

I forgot about my whole yoyo problem and marched toward them. From the looks of it, Billy was threatening the poor kid while his crew was having a good crack about it. He thinks he's so high and mighty cause he looks big and scary, huh? Imma show him what's scary.

"Hey! Let go of him right now!" I demanded as I stopped and folded my arms over my chest in a very repremanding way. All heads snapped to look at me, except for the kid who was laying on the ground of dried leaves. His eyes were only directed towards Billy.

"What are you doing here?" Billy said with a scowl on his face. His tone lacing with disgust, like when boys would accuse girls to have cooties.

"Yeah! What are you doin' here?" His twin minions asked.

I rolled my eyes at them, "Stop asking questions. Cause last time I checked, this park wasn't made for private use. Just.Let.Him.Go." I said putting emphasis to the last sentence.

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