Chapter Four: Sleeping in the Dark

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*Chase's POV

   I passed the crowded hallways with droopy eyes and dark bags beneath them. I stopped in front of my locker, which was next to Autumn's

   Who has her head shoved inside hers.

   I opened my locker, and stuck my head inside too. I felt too sleepy to be here in school.

   Autumn and I worked 'til 4 am finishing those damn assignments. We slept at around 5 am after we finished fixing our stuff and woke up at 7 am, which only gave us more or less 2 hours of sleep.

   I was drifting back to sleep in the darkness of my locker, when a hand suddenly tapped my back.

   My head jerked backward with surprise, and hit the metal top of my locker with a loud thud. I withdrawed my head and automatically placed a hand where I felt the pain spreading at the back.

   "What the hell..?" Autumn and I said in unison, both of out hands on our heads. I guess I'm not the only one who got surprised.

   "Gosh, I though you were just playing a game of hide inside the locker or something. I didn't know you were into some serious business. Sorry." Kylie said putting a hand inside her dress pocket.

   "No, we weren't." Autumn said yawning.

   "Looks like somebody stayed up all night, huh?" Kylie smiled, her sweet smile.

   "You betcha." I stretched my arms, "We've stayed up all night doing that algebra homework."

   "We'll get to that later though." Autumn's face brightened up, "So how's your extended summer break? Classes started a week ago sweetheart." She said, digging for some details. Like girls do. But I was too sleepy to listen to what they were talking about.

   Kylie Waters is a part of our little circle of friends. She transfered during 10th grade, and we were the first persons to sit with her during lunch of her second week.

    I guess it's routine to pick on the new kid here. All the other girls laughed and made up stupid gossips about her. And that wasn't even the wprse part. All of them were going all Mean Girls- Don't ask where I got the reference from Lindsay Lohan's movie- at them.

   Except for Autumn of course.

   Autumn always knows better, and doesn't act like those popular makeup freaks who call themselves 'queen of the campus'. Autumn walked up to her table, dragging me behind- I didn't have a choice really- and asked if we could sit with her. Kylie gladly said yes. Autumn wouldn't have taken a 'no' anyways.

   She told Kylie all the other girls were just jealous of her because she was pretty, even without make up. And it was the start of a beautiful friendship between the two.

   She was right though, about the girls being jealous. Kylie is a sight to look at. She has light blue eyes, auburn hair, a smile that can light up a room and really long limbs. She can pass for a model, really. To top that, she's nice, smart and a bit on the shy side. A lot of guys have tried to court her, but sadly, she's always turned them down. She says she already has someone in mind. Tough luck for all the guys out there.

   "... and it was amazing. I told you to come visit." Kylie said, holding hands with Summer.

   "Ugh, I wish I could. But I was stuck with Aunt Denise and secritary work." Autumn said rolling her eyes. She was Denise's 'little helper' during summer when her secretary, Mary, had to go back to Canada to take care of her ill mother all summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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