22. Three Weeks

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Words aren't really coming at this point. I mean I knew he was basically a billionaire but...everything seems so normal so wonderful. I feel like I'm waiting for the ball to drop. Why do I keep feeling that way?


Overwhelmed didn't even begin to describe how I felt.

I had my own bathroom, with a rain shower, heated tile, a heated towel rack, a flat screen TV.

I mean seriously, I could go on and on.

I even Facetimed Uncle Jo so he could see everything.

He gasped like I knew he would. Pretty soon I had Uncle Jo, my aunt, and their two dogs, all gaping at the iPhone screen as I slowly did a panoramic shot of the bathroom.

Wow, how lame, I was actually taking pictures of someone else's bathroom like a complete and total stalker.

"Can I move there?" Uncle Jo asked.

Aunt Sofie swatted him across the chest while he chuckled and asked again.

The dogs barked. I missed them. Before I knew it, I started to get emotional.

What had I been thinking these past two years? Locking myself in my room to grieve when I had a family waiting outside the whole time.

"You okay?" Uncle Jo asked when I took him off Facetime and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Yeah." I sighed. "Just really thankful for you guys. I love you."

"We love you too, kiddo. Now, get off the phone and take lots of pictures so I can live through you, okay?"

"Deal." I laughed and said goodbye, hanging up the phone and walking around my giant bedroom.

It had a deck that overlooked the Puget Sound.

It was also bigger than five of my rooms back home.

It had a large over-stuffed bed, and I'm pretty sure if I snapped my fingers an iPod would turn on.

A knock sounded on the door and then it opened.

"Good thing I wasn't changing." I joked as Austin stepped in.

"Damn." He grinned. "I was hoping I'd catch you unaware."


He stalked toward me. "I thought so."

I turned my attention back to the water. The view was so pretty, and for it being Thanksgiving it wasn't all too cold outside.

Austin went and took a seat in one of the deck chairs and then patted his knee.

I shook my head no.

He smiled. Seriously that's all it took. One smile and I was putty, absolutely useless against his magic boy powers.

With a heavy sigh — you know, to show my disapproval at his manipulation — I sat on his lap and leaned back against his chest.

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