Trapped- Chapter 3

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"Amy!.. What in gods name are you doing here?" I froze as my father walked in.

"I was sent by the... The government, they said I should start my apprenticeship. Here, working in the labs." I was a terrible liar, but it didn't matter. No one 'told lies' anymore,

"Oh.. Good. Nice to see you've passed. Well in here, this is my latest patient."

I nodded, following him back to Luke, as my father turned to go on his computer I held a finger to my lips, nodding at Luke to not say anything about what had happened. He rolled his eyes, but stayed silent.

"Mr Brooks... It seems your blood sugar has risen, are you feeling any different."

Luke shook his head frowning.

"And they haven't fed you anything, am I correct?"

Luke paused for a second before shaking his head again, a sigh of relief escaped my lips.

"Well.. It looks like we'll have to leave your system to calm down for a bit longer. Back to your cell."

"I want to see them. Are they okay?" The rooms atmosphere changed as Luke spoke.

"Speak when you are spoken too." My fathers reply came sharp and robotic, I'd never seen his work persona before.

"They're my brothers you dick!" Luke spat angrily.

"Shut your mouth boy!"

"No, I won't! Not until every sick scientist and government worker are stopped. I know the truth I know what they're doing... You're doing!" He looked at me, "Get out... Get out while you ca-"

I gasped, as my father's fist collided with Luke's nose, red blood pouring down his white shirt.

" Deal with him!" He growled storming out the room.By the time we'd walked up a few flights of stairs and into Luke's room the bleeding had stopped. I carefully pulled the bloody cotton wool away and he winced.

"It's not broken is it?" He clenched his jaw in pain.

I shrugged, wiping away the remains before taking a look at the bruises.

"Are you okay?" He carried on with the questions.

I guess I was just shocked, it'd been years since I'd ever seen my father that angry, angry enough to hit someone.

"Just tired..." I mumbled pulling away, before disposing of the cotton in a nearby metal bin. I'd never been in one of the cells before, they seemed clean, spotless in fact, everything white; the bed sheets, walls, floor. The only furniture being a metal bed, a desk with one pencil on it, a bin and a chair.

"You can sit if you want?" He gestured to the chair.

"It's okay I should get going, it's late." I glance at the CCTV camera being alone with him would get us into trouble.

"Wait!" I paused, as he pulled out a piece of paper, "take this with you, for my brothers."

My father was waiting for me by the main entrance, quickly we left, no words just silence. The short car ride home was even worse, I could see him lick his lips and breathe in as if to start conversation, but he never did, not that I wasn't glad he didn't.

Dinner was cold, so was the house, clicking on the heating I ran upstairs into my room. There hidden under my bed sheets I examined the note Luke had given me, a scrawl of childish handwriting lay the names Jai and Beau as well as some details as to where they might be in the centre. It was obvious what he wanted me to do, find them, see if they were ok then try and pass messages. I hadn't agreed to anything, I just took the note. If I got caught who knows what could happen, I never wanted to see my father that angry again. I was about to tear the paper into a million tiny pieces before I realised... it might be the last chance he got to speak with them again.

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