Trapped - Chapter 11

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"You look stunning!" Cynthia shouted over the crowds, racing down the carpet in the highest heels I'd ever seen in my life. She wore a fitted black dress and hair piece, holding what looked like a wireless microphone. I just stared back at her, clutching the note for Luke tight in my left hand. With a sharp nudge from father I muttered a short thanks and we proceeded down the carpet, past the people. "I er need to go to the bathroom," I lied, glancing around the entrance for the nearest exit to Luke's cell.

"No time, no time. You'll just have to hold it." Cynthia interrupted, pushing open the big oak doors to the assembly room. Immediately a marching band chorused in front of us in the aisle of people leading to the stage. I froze stunned, balloons and decorations hung from every corner, people clapped and waved their eyes glancing at my dress then to me. I couldn't have felt more uncomfortable. It was all a bit too fancy for merely receiving a job.

Searching the room, I spotted Jed in a suit on the stage, stood next to the managers and key figures in the government. He sent me a warm grin, waving as our eyes met. I smiled back however in side I just wanted to scream and run out the room, punching Cynthia in the face on the way out. Clenching my fists slightly I felt the sharp corners on the folded up note scratch my skin and thought back to Luke and how much I'd rather be with him right now. "Amy! Amy stop daydreaming and go!" I jumped at Cynthia's screeching in my ear before trying to regain balance at the almighty shove forward she gave me. I tripped and stuttered falling into the arms of someone.

"Oops," it was Luke. I got up, quickly looking at him in shock and slight horror at the thought of Cynthia seeing then carefully crushed the note in his fingers and carried on the walk down the aisle, attempting to breathe normally again. As I looked up at Jed I could see he was laughing, completely oblivious at the fact it'd been Luke who I'd fallen into, making me feel even worse. Gripping the handle I carried on up the stairs, followed later by father and Cynthia. Jed took my hand and pulled me beside him, the stage lights making it incredibly hard to see.

"Now then, I must add Miss Amy that you look beautiful in that dress of yours," smiled the slightly overweight manager, his belly bulging from his blouse, voice booming through the microphone. "How very kind!" Cynthia added, her voice also echoed against the mic. "Yes.. Yes. Firstly let us thank the staff and founders of the Correction Centre for curing and keeping order in our marvellous city, which thrives more and more each day. It is an honour for each member of the public to be so well cared for and protected from the evil that plagues other countries with the misbehaving and crime." My eyes began to re-adjust and as the manager spoke I scanned through the audience. At the front were the main staff and founders, then were the security each sat next to someone from a cell. Beau and Jai sat in the corner, grinning as they saw me. I carried on down the row and my eyes fell on Luke, he was reading the note a frown deep on his face. Suddenly he looked up and shook his head at me, scrunching the paper into a ball and stuffing it into his pocket.

Jed pulled me forward over to the manager whom presented me with a file, "This here is your contract... and without further ado I welcome both of you to your new job!" The crowd cheered, my father patting me on the back as I shook the managers hand. Cynthia took Jed's file and mine before handing her son as small box and mic. "Thank you Mr Ramsford," Jed cleared his throat, "for that uplifting speech. I'm sure myself and Amy will cherish every moment we spend here at the centre and help maintain the safety and exceptional living standards given by each member. But there is also something else I'd like to say while stood here in front of you all... In this room stands someone very dear to me. Someone who at this moment in time I'd do anything for. She's been there in times where... Well I didn't think I'd make it. But instead of looking at the bad sides she's continued to think positive. She accepted me for my mistakes and has been- if you pardon the cheesiness- kind of like an anchor. When things have gone wrong she didn't judge she merely looked for ways to help. And if I'm honest I couldn't think of anyone who'd I rather be with"

I glanced to Cynthia who wiped her eyes dramatically on some tissue and then to Jed stepping back to not ruin the moment between them. "Amy," Jed turned to me, I couldn't have been more wrong, it was me. He was talking about me. I felt the blood rush to my head, the room silent, eyes piercing into me. I thought about Jed and how much I did , but didn't love him. Then to Luke and how horrible this must be for him, and then to Cynthia. My blood boiled as I thought about her carefully and tactfully she'd prepared this all. What better way would you say "keep away from my sons girl" then making him propose to her right in front of him... Infront of everyone.

"Will you marry me?" He held up a gold plated ring, with a perfectly cut diamond sparkling against the lights, it was beautiful. I felt Cynthia's grip on my arm, guiding me forward, making sure I remembered what she was capable of. Gulping back tears and every emotion under the sun, I looked to Jed and smiled. "I... I..Will"

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