Trapped- Chapter 5

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"Hey boys" Jed grinned, they smiled back standing up, "this is Amy."

"Nice to meet you Amy I'm Beau, this is my little brother Jai"

"Morning" I grinned, Jai looked exactly like Luke, they must've been twins.

"You guys eaten yet?" Jed asked, scanning the room.

"Nop, hungry as fu-" Beau stopped, "yeah hungry."

"Language" Jed laughed his hand on the door, "Amy I'm just heading to the cafeteria, you can co-"

"I'll stay" I answered, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Sure ok" Jed didn't seem to mind too much and left quickly.

"You can sit if you want?" Jai nodded to the beanbag in the corner, this cell was completely different it had magazines, cards, posters and even a small tv.

I grabbed it and sat, still taking in at nice it was compared to Luke's.

"So, you've been paired with Jed right?" Beau asked, his green eyes staring at me.

"Um yeah I guess" I hoped to god I didn't blush, it just was so.. Ugh.

"Don't worry, he's cool. Always gets us stuff, and is pretty funny." Jai sensed my awkwardness and began shuffling the cards.

"I haven't seen you before is this your first day?"

"Kind of, yeah first proper day."

"First proper day and you're already paired... You must be special."

"Not sure if that's a compliment" I replied, a little taken back.

"Wait you're the Amy!" Beau shouted,


"The one on the posters!" He interrupted.

I nodded embarrassed, "yeah... That's me."

"You're fathers the scientist guy the main one, who sorts kids out. Do you know my brothe-"

"Beau stop it. Can't you see you're making her uncomfortable." Jai snapped angrily.

Luckily Jed walked in, with bowls of porridge and fruit, the boys grabbed them, wolfing it down quick.

I decided to speak while they ate, "Yeah I do, Luke right?"

Jed tensed, staring at me before shaking his head to stop me from talking.

Jai and Beau almost dropped the bowls,






An uproar of shouts spurted from the boys mouthes, Jed practically dragged me out of the room locking the door behind him.

"You can't do that!" He glared at me angrily, I was shocked.

"Do what? Tell them the truth, why? Why shouldn't they know?!" I snatched my hand away.

"Because I said so!" He pushed me against the wall hard, my hand slapped against his face.

He was shocked, silent.

"Don't ever touch me again!" I screamed running into the lift and closing it behind me.

I knew where I was going, I needed to find Luke. After the performance with Jed I knew it would only be a few hours before I would be taken from the correction centre, taken away.

Hurrying to his cell I banged on the metal door, he opened it and he looked shocked.


I pushed past him and locked the door behind me,

"Amy speak to me, what happened?"

"I'm sorry Luke I'm sorry..." I collapsed into his arms, I was overwhelmed, angry, sad, upset, guilty. Guilty at leaving Beau and Jai without telling them Luke was ok, guilty at hitting Jed and possibly getting him exiled from the centre all together, guilty for not helping Luke, the one who needed it the most. His hands stroked my hair, "Don't be sorry, just tell me what happened ok?"

"I saw them, Beau and Jai" I mumbled, tears falling down my cheeks.

"Are they ok, tell me they're okay?!"

"They're fine, they had food and magazines... a tv."

"Did they ask about me?"

I nodded.

"What did you say?"

"I couldn't... I was going to be, I wasn't allowed I'm... I'm sorry I'll try again. They were upset and started shouting..."

"Oh." Luke sighed, "look it's fine at least I know they're safe. Thank you so much"

I leant up, looking at his face, dark circles sunk beneath his eyes, his piercingly were gone, the skin was red and blistering.

"What happened?" My finger traced near the wound.

"N.. Nothing. I deserved it I guess." He pulled away.

"Did they pull these out?!" I noticed the scratch marks and torn skin, my voice became angrier.

"Amy it's fine..."

"No it's not fucking fine Luke, it's disgusting how dare they do that to you!? It's sick!"

My emotions got the better of me, I could feel myself boiling up, I wanted to hurt who ever did this to him.

"Ssh" his lips pressed unexpectedly against mine, the kiss became even more forceful as I pulled him closer to me, his hands wrapped around my body tightly and for that moment I forgot I was angry, upset and worried, I forgot about Jed's face when I hit him, and Beau and Jai's when I didn't answer, it was just me and Luke. Something warm and wet trickled down my chin and I pulled away, my hands catching at whatever it was. Checking my fingers I noticed a deep red liquid, "Shit" I looked at Luke, the remains of his lip piercing bled heavily.

"Sorry Amy," he got up quickly snatching at some tissues from a small box.

"Are you ok?" I watched as the tissue was almost fully drenched.

"It keeps happening" he sighed, I handed him some more and disposed of the other one, "I guess I got a bit carried away."

I grinned before a flash of someone walking past caught my eye, Jed.

"I've got to go.." I stumbled to a stand quickly.

"You only just got here" Luke frowned confused.

"I know, but I just- look I'll be back tomorrow I promise" I leant over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Fine, bye then." He sighed, "promise you'll come back?"

"I promise."

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