Chapter 2. Mystery Discovered

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He took her to a castle

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He took her to a castle. They were nearing the gates as another boy ran out of the castle looking more frustrated than ever. He gave his sword to a man dressed in suit of armor standing behind him and started scolding the young man who saved Angelina's life.  All this time she was distracted by the sights she was seeing. Knights, castles, talking horses, and a market. Traveling in time was impossible, but Angelina just proved otherwise. Figuring that she was in medieval times she didn't know how to talk to all these people, nor did she want to. The more she learned about the middle ages in school the scarier they seemed to her. All she wanted to do was to go home.

"Edmund! How could you go out on a day like this! You know Narnia is in a middle of a war, what were you thinking?" The boy who looked older than Edmund said, "Who is this?" He added while pointing at Angelina who was still on the horse. 

"I found her in the field, some trolls tried to kill her," The boy named Edmund spoke up. She could tell from the tone in his voice that Edmund was not too happy from the scolding he was getting. Whoever these two men were, knights, Angelina wanted to get away from them.

"You idiot! You are not supposed to go out into the field," The other boy screamed, looking very concerned. 

"Don't tell me what to do, Peter. You are not father," Edmund spat out and went into the castle. The blonde grabbed Edmund's arm, but the young man just yanked it away. He didn't turn around and dropped his belt to the floor, his sword which was hanging on it, fell down with it. One of the knights standing near the gates ran up to the belt he dropped and picked it up, carrying it in after him, making sure he carried the sword at a distance from him. From what she observed, Edmund was quite important.

"I am so sorry for that. My brother has a temper," The golden haired boy turned to Angelina. "What is your name, and how did you get here?" 

"Angelina. He doesn't seem like a jolly good soul." She looked at the golden haired boy, waiting for him to explain something, but he was silent, but she did get a smirk out of him from her comment on Edmund. "Where am I?" She finally asked, getting off the horse that, unlike during their brief meeting, stayed silent. 

"Why, you're in Narnia," The blonde said, and stretched out his hand for her to take. She hesitated, but his warm smile made her trust him.

"Narnia, I've never heard of a place called Narnia from any history book-" She looked at the castle walls that surrounded her, and noticed how the gates were instantly shut by the guards. Her only way out was closed. She would have to find another way out.

Angelina didn't get to finish her exploration with her eyes as Peter steered her towards the castle in front of them. "You would not find Narnia in any history book, it is a special place, and where you are currently is Cair Paravel, my jurisdiction." It would be even harder to find her way out if she goes into the castle, so she hesitated again and stopped him.

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