Chapter 34. Death After A Dance

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At a ball, everyone looked different. They all dressed up pretending to be someone else, for this was their only chance. Women in elegant dresses, men in suits. Balls were a romanticized fantasy of the human mind to escape reality. Who would blame the Narnian's for wanting to escape reality. There was a war going on, a ball was probably their best chance on avoiding topics about it.

Peter Pevenise walked down the big hall greeting all the guests. He shook hands with the men and bowed to the women. In return all gave him a big bow, their heads close to the ground, for he was high king Peter.

He finally arrived at the doors which led to the big room where most of the dancing took place. Peter enjoyed dancing, it gave him a sort of hope for the next day. It was hard to describe, his feelings were mixed when he almost walked into the room.

Standing right at the entrance a man took one look at him and bowed to his king, announcing his arrival to the guests who were happily enjoying the atmosphere and drinking champagne.

"His majesty King Peter, High king of Narnia, Emperor of Lone Islands, Lord of Cair Paravel, Knight of the Most Noble Order Of The Lion." The man announced.

Peter was already used to hearing his title, somehow it only sounded right when Aslan said it. The bright faces of his subjects and different princesses and princes greeted him. All bowed and awaited for him to come down the stairs and join their party.

"Your majesty," a young man walked up to him and bowed down, "I am prince Nicolas of the Telmarines, here invited by the great Caspian."

Peter nodded to acknowledge his presence and the young man stood up. Caspian walked up to them shortly and explained that this was the brother of the Telmar king who allied with the Narnian's against the war with the witch. King Peter was happy to hear that Nicolas was at his ball, this gave him an opportunity of friendship.

In the hall, Lucy walked with Susan and Corrine. Johanna was holding Edmund's arm with Angelina behind them. She was reading a book and trying to ignore the obvious discomfort of seeing someone else holding Edmund's arm. Lucy sympathetically looked back at Edmund and then at Angelina. The young girl didn't show any emotion, continuing her scrolling through the pages of the book she was holding. They finally arrived at the entrance and Susan went in first as the second eldest.

"Queen Susan the Gentle, queen Of The Horn." The man announced and Susan went in looking over at the people who bowed down to her.

Edmund detached himself from Johanna and made his way towards the man to walk into the ball area for he was second after Susan.

"King Edmund The Just, Duke of Lantern Waste, Count of the Western March and Knight of the Noble Order of the Table."

Lucy smiled a bit to herself, being proud of her brother who she looked up to. She remembered that there was a time when her and Edmund were not close, Narnia changed all that, building the strongest bond between the two siblings.

On that thought she stepped forward and the man announced her as well, "Queen Lucy, the Valiant."

Corine and Johanna were announced as the princesses of Thorndel and the royal guests of Cair Paravel.

When Angelina's turn came, she was a bit lost wondering if the old man knew how to announce her. Even she didn't know what title she had, but Peter was supposed to inform him. Her title came as a complete surprise for she was expecting to be introduced as Miss Angelina.

"Miss Angelina, woman of time, Warrior of the royal Lion Army, Keeper of Aslan's light." The man announced as if some divine creature told him to.

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