Chapter 19. Bread Basket

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When the first round came, Angelina couldn't watch as the giant knocked Edmund off his feet and drew his sword next to Edmund's neck

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When the first round came, Angelina couldn't watch as the giant knocked Edmund off his feet and drew his sword next to Edmund's neck. It was so close to the end, yet the Just King got back up on his feet and hit the giant with his sword. No matter how many times he was knocked down, he kept getting back up. Blood was dripping from his teeth and his head hurt like he was in the darkest parts of hell fighting the devil himself. Edmund could not afford to give up, so he kept fighting even though he received several blows to his head. The giant smacked him one more time and he fell flat down on the ground. Pushing himself up, Edmund spat out the remaining blood in his mouth and wiped his lips with his sleeve.

The fight was over, and he fell down on his knees as two guards dragged him from the arena back to his prison cell. Some people who passed by spit on him in disgust, others looked with sad eyes. He didn't care much for any of the faces he saw until he caught a pair of blue eyes which seemed familiar. Knowing that he was probably hallucinating from the blow, Edmund closed his eyes as the guards dragged him back to his cell. They pushed him in and left him on the ground, gasping for air.

Susan grabbed Angelina's hand, "are you stupid, we don't want anyone to recognize us! Besides, we will save Edmund and Caspian tonight." She pulled the young woman away from the crowd.

She couldn't wait for the night, there were so many things that could go wrong during the period of their wait for the night to come. Edmund could have a seizure, he could die from the blow he received earlier. This and so many other things could go wrong. She was worried every second for him, however, Angelina knew that right now she could not help him.

Deciding to go scout around the prison, Susan put on her cloak and told Angelina to wait. Susan Pevensie was always the adventurous type of person, never wanting anyone to tell her what to do. She was truly an independent woman who looked after herself. The only person she would let dictate her life was her older brother Peter, and even he did not have the authority to do so all the time.

Susan looked at her compass and then at the sea which was calling to her with its blue waves. She knew that going to battle was what she was born to do. Susan had fought many Narnian wars, and this was the first her brother wouldn't let her go to. Every time she would go on diplomatic journeys with Edmund, some Narnian princess wanted to marry her, but Susan never found any of them good enough for herself. Not yet understanding why this war was so special, Susan Pevensie wondered if her brother found out by now that she was gone. Knowing that he was probably worried gave her a resting thought that she was not yet forgotten by everyone.

Spending all day scouting and looking for a safer way to get to the royal Narnian ship which was surprisingly still in the docs, Susan discovered a forest near the prison. It was only by chance that trees grew in such a climate, and Susan thanked God that the trees would give them needed shelter to slip away unnoticed by the city. She ran back to Angelina who was at the boarding house.

The young girl was reading over the letter that she clenched in her hands every night. A part of Susan wondered what was in that letter, and another knew it was none of her business. She opened the door wider, letting Angelina see that she was back. Stuffing the letter into her pocket frantically, Angelina smiled.

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