Chapter 31. High King Peter And Garden Dancing

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He was concerned about his siblings. Knowing that he was responsible for their safety never let him rest. He cared for Angelina as one of his siblings, wanted only the best for her. Of course, he didn't really know how he should approach her now since she had been through so much in Narnia. Peter made his way down the throne room and looked back at the four thrones in the middle. He was a high king and had a lot of responsibilities.

"Peter," Caspian walked in as Peter was about to walk out, "the prince of Telmar is coming for the ball, I invited him."

"Well done Caspian." Peter was not a big fan of Caspian, but he grew to like him after Aslan explained how important he was. Peter always felt on the spot with Caspian around, as if he had to prove that he was the highest king, forgetting that harmony was key.

"Caspian, have you seen Susan, I haven't seen her in such a long time I'm worried about her." His brotherly instinct kicked in.

Caspian smiled, "she is perfectly fine, trust me."

"How do you know?" Peter raised his eyebrow.

"Because um-she's Susan. She can take care of herself." It was clear to see that Caspian was hiding something, but Peter was too tired to find out, yes he remembered how his sister started a romance with the handsome king. When they got back, however, he thought it ended.

Instead of asking Caspian further questions, Peter patted him on the shoulder and made his way out of the throne room. He walked into the garden until he saw Angelina sitting near a tree and then he stopped. She looked sad, as if she was trying to hide her emotions and cover them up.

"May I join you?" Peter asked a she approached her with a warm smile on his face.

"Of course," she scooted away from the tree so he could sit.

"So, how are you holding up? Is it strange being back in Narnia again?" He started with small talk.

Angelina smiled, "no, I wanted to go back. Can I be honest with you?"

"You can always be honest with me, Angelina," Peter leaned in preparing himself for listening to her.

"My dream was pretty scary. I saw an old side of Edmund. He was so old and lonely. It was like he didn't care about the world. Worst part is that he didn't remember me. I know he was just a dream, but I honestly hate the fact that he doesn't remember me. My dream turned into reality." She almost let out a couple of tears, running the scenes through her head again.

"It's alright. Sometimes bad things are supposed to happen to make way for the good." Peter put his arm around her.

"The only one who can help him is Aslan." Angelina said.

"No one has seen Aslan for a very long time," Peter furrowed his eyebrows trying to remember the last time he saw Aslan.

"I did see Him, very recently. He taught me how to fight, He gave me his light." Angelina finally confessed her secret with Aslan, she figured that it was no secret anymore.

"Of course, it makes sense, how else would you have obtained His power given to you?" Peter wanted to know how he missed it before.

"I need him back, I need Edmund back." She looked down at the ground and Peter knew that if she had a breaking point, that was it.

He sighed and looked up at the cloudless sky. There were a lot of things Peter Pevensie could not do, although he was a king. He felt helpless, like he was the one falling down and no one was kind enough to throw him a rope. However, Peter knew that if he could do anything, it was help his brother remember.

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