Chapter 2♥

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I care about your feelings more than mine.


                      Earth Year: 1714

Finally the beauty was ready. The one who said that Beauty takes time to be seen was seriously correct in his thoughts. Finally, the Princess of the Earth, Evelyn Desire was all glammed up, ready to attend her ball.

She walked down the huge stairs down the immense Royal Palace located in the heart of the most beautiful city ever made by man, comparable to godly creations- Rome.

Giving tough competition to the Goddess of Beauty, Aphrodite; Evelyn walked down the beautifully red carpeted stairs in her ever-so-gorgeous white lacy see through gown with high neck covering her skinny arms and perfectly tanned legs. Everything just stopped for a second to admire the mesmerising beauty to the eyes like that of music to the soul. She was the apple of everyone's eyes. Everyone truly loved her for the adorable human she was. Everyone wished for her well being and happiness like she did for others.

But them.

As she stepped down everyone gasped at the Goddess walking down. Evelyn was used to the stares she received. She felt pretty disgusted by seeing some middle aged men looking at her like a lion does to a prey before ravishing it for its supper. The only stare she enjoyed and wanted to receive was that given by the one and only man in her life, the man of her dreams; the Romeo of her life; her Zayn.

Her curious eyes searched the crowd hoping to find a pair of smouldering hazel-brown orbs, the one to die for until she was greeted by a pair of crystal glassy blue eyes belonging to her beloved father.

No matter how many men come in a girl's life, her first and true Superhero and King will always be her father.

Charles Desire accompanied by her gorgeous wife, Alice walked towards Evelyn.

"Happy Birthday to the most beautiful and best daughter, my Princess!" Evelyn was greeted warmly and hugged by her forty year old father whom  she loved since her childhood.

"Thank you father. I don't even know how to thank you for coping with my rebellious self for sixteen years!" Evelyn chuckled and flashed her pearly white toothed smile. The one that could make even the Greek Gods weak in their knees; like Zayn.

"Oh dear you don't know how grateful we are to have you as our daughter." Alice kissed her forehead.

"Okay well Thank you for organising such a great ball just for my birthday but did you like just call the entire Europe for the ball?!" Evelyn gasped at the amount of guests having conversations, some forcing free supper down their throats and other's stares invading the personal family bonding time of The Desires.

"Well being the King has its perks." Charles chuckled. Being the King for over 25 years, the Earth truly developed under his rule. The inventions and technology that could not be achieved even in 23rd century were already as common as frogs popping out in the monsoon.

"Anyways, have you seen the lover boy?" Evelyn's eyes just shone even at the mention of Zayn's name. The girl had truly fallen for him. That too very hard.

Don't fall too hard if you are unable to pick yourself up alone in the future.

"That's whom i have been searching for."

"Ma'am sorry to interrupt but here's a note for you" one of the thousands of the maids in The Royal Palace quickly gave Evelyn an expensive looking black letter decorated with gold embroidery and walked away not meeting anyone's eyes afraid of being punished for disturbing them.

"Hey Lisa! Chill ! You are just doing your job. No need to be scared of anyone. You know how much I don't like people treating me as if I am a devil and I am gonna kill you for looking me in the eye! Just be normal. Alright?" Evelyn flashed her kind sympathetic smile to the maid whose heart fluttered at the kind gesture. She nodded and went away to serve the guests.

Evelyn was a kind and noble soul. The kind that was hard to find.

The kindest souls have also gone through the most pain.

Being the curious self Evelyn was she ripped open the cover and felt sad for destroying such a beautiful envelope.

Dear Princess,

Meet me at the backdoor.

From ,
Your Prince charming

Evelyn didn't even need to read the entire note for the pretty but cursive, ruffled handwriting told her whom the letter belonged to. She found herself running to the backdoor to reunite with her Romeo ignoring the greetings she received from unwanted people who were just there for the sake of business and advantage of being with the King.

Deep down even she knew no one was really happy for her Birthday. It was just the merit of being in The Royal Palace along with the King and maybe having a worthwhile stare at the godly beauty of Evelyn. No one cared but her. Well that's what she thought and she couldn't be anymore wrong. Sone people actually cared about her feelings not giving a damn about her treasury.  That's just the way she was. A heart to heart conversation with Evelyn would attract you to her just like a moth drawn to a flame.

As soon as she reached the backdoor, Evelyn could feel her vision getting blurred from the tears not caring about the effort of an entire panel of stylists who spent hours doing her heavenly smoke eye makeup look.

"Happy Birthday My Princess."


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All the love,
Zayngel ♡

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