Chapter 15

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Jake's POV

Remember when I told Madi I'd be okay. I wasn't okay. I sat in the restaurant for 20 minutes after she left just trying to process what had happened. I could've said something, I could've done something to make this better than it was. All I could think was "the paps are gonna love this." I bet they already have pictures of Madi leaving before me, this was gonna be great.

I paid the bill and I walked out. I was blinded by the flashing lights and all I could hear was "is it really over Jake?" "Who dumped who?" It made me so mad, but I knew I couldn't do anything but lay low for a couple of days, but for now, it was just me myself and I.

3 days later

Lexi's POV

I haven't heard from Jake in 3 days. He hasn't called me, he hasn't answered my calls or texts and I was starting to get worried. Truth is, I only knew what Madi told me, she broke up with Jake, it wasn't a bad break up but it was sad and she didn't really know if she was sad. I tried Jake's phone for maybe the millionth time in the passed three days and to my surprise, he picked up.

"Hello," Jake's voice rang through the phone.


"What's up?"

"You haven't returned any of my calls or texts for the passed 3 days, that's what's up."

"I know, sorry."

"Can I see you?"

"No, sorry Lex, I need to be alone." With that he hung up the phone and I just stood there in shock.

Kevin's POV

I got a phone call this morning, team meeting at 4, I can only imagine what this is gonna bring. I was shaken from my thoughts when my phone buzzed.


Me, you, Edgar, and Lexi dinner tonight??

I didn't really feel like dinner with Edgar but I told Jenny yes because I love seeing her happy.

Jake's POV

4 o'clock rolled around and I headed to Warner Bro's for a team meeting. When I walked in the whole team was already there, I could tell it would be some bad news.

"Okay, to start the meeting I just want to say I like what I'm seeing, the time in the studio from Jake, Kevin, and Joey, the videos from Edgar, everything is going great," Frank said.

"Well what's the problem then?" Edgar questioned.

"The break up. It's bad publicity, really bad, Jake what did you do to make her walk out on the date?" Frank said.

That enraged me "I didn't do anything. We settled our differences, what's done is done." I said through gritted teeth

"Well here's what we're gonna do, you're done laying low. I'm setting up an interview for tomorrow so you could tell everyone your side of the story and what happened."

"No, no I won't do it. That's not anyone's business but Madi and I."

"Here are your options, you do it, or I'll do it, your choice."

I was mad now but I knew what I had to do I shook my head yes and stormed out.

Lexi's POV

I declined Jenny's offer for dinner because tonight I was breaking up with Edgar. It didn't feel the same and it didn't feel right. I just needed to be alone.

There was a knock on my door and I rushed to it. I was Edgar and he almost looked like he knew I was about to break up with him. "You wanted to see me?"

"Come sit down," Edgar followed me to the couch and sat down next to me, I grabbed both his hands, "Edgar, I love you, you know that, but right now having a boyfriend doesn't feel right to me, I need to be alone, I need to be independent, I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you."

Edgar just looked at me, just a blank stare. "Okay, if that's how you feel." Edgar got up and walked towards the door but stopped in the doorway, "oh and Lexi, I love you too, I could wait forever." He smiled and walked out the door and I broke down in tears.

Author's Note

Hi guys I hope you like this chapter because I don't really know how to feel about it! Update soon, don't forget to comment and vote!!!

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