Chapter 10

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Jake’s POV

I walked down the hall in Lexi’s apartment building. Why did she have to be like this? I had my head in my phone until a familiar face shoved me. Edgar.

“Hey man what’re you doing here?” He asked me. All I could think was he is the reason I can’t be with Lexi. It’s his fault.

“What do you think? Seeing Lexi.”

“Well, you know we had a deal.”

“Shut up about it.”

“Oh what’s wrong you’re mad?”

“Yeah I’m mad because the guy that cheated on her and hit her gets to be with her! How did it feel when you hit her Edgar? Did you feel like a man?”

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Edgar shouted through gritted teeth and shoved me. I shoved him back until Lexi came out of her apartment and cleared her throat. She shook her head and walked back inside. “You know I was drunk when that happened.”

“Which one? You cheating or hitting?”

“I don’t have to do this.” Edgar started walking towards Lexi’s door. And, I just let him. Why? I don’t know. I guess because we’re supposed to be friends. Notice how I said supposed. Because, right now I wasn't feeling too friendly.

Joey’s POV

I drove all the way to FSU, and let me tell you, it was a drive. I went to the reception desk and asked for Alexa’s dorm room number. Number E28. I started hiking up the steps because the elevator was down. I reached her door and my palms started to sweat. I could hear my heart beating through my chest. I thought about just canceling. I couldn't bring myself to knock. I hadn't seen her in a long time. That’s when I stopped thinking. I did it, I knocked.

A small guy with short hair answered the door.

“You must be Joe, I’m Mike. I’m Alexa’s roommates boyfriend. It’s nice to finally meet you.” He stuck out his hand and I shook it. Joe? No, Joey.

“Yeah. But, please call me Joey.”

“You got it man. Come on in. Alexa and Dani are in their room getting ready.”


“You look nervous. Are you?”

“A little.”

“Don’t be, she’s been talking about you nonstop since you called. I’m pretty sure she wants to get back together. Said she misses you. But, she knows you have a girlfriend.” After those final words came out of Mike’s mouth the most beautiful human walked down the hall and in front of me. 

I was speechless. I stood there with my mouth half open until Mike leaned up and closed it for me. Alexa pulled me into a big hug. I hugged her back, and as creepy as this sounds, I inhaled, I even missed the smell of her.

“Ok love birds get movin’.” As Mike spoke those words we left the dorm.

“How’ve you been?”

“Good really good. How about you?”

“Great! Well now that I’m here of course.” We were sitting at a booth in the diner on campus because everything else was an hour wait. We made small talk and laughed a lot. I really missed her laugh.

“So, Joey.”

“So, Lexa.”

“What’s the real reason you’re here?”

“The real reason? I missed you. Everything about you. Your touch, your smell, right down to the way you bite your lip nervously.” She looked at me for a long time, studying my face. She didn't say anything, just kind of looked at me. “Say something. Anything, please.”

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