Chapter 8

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Joey’s POV

At this time, me, Edgar, Scooter, JP, Andres, and Kevin are all sitting on Jake’s front steps waiting for him to come home. He won’t answer his phone and nobody has any idea where he is and we’re worried. 

“Did he seriously forget. He’s the one that called the meeting.” Edgar grunted.

“Hey, relax he didn't forget he’ll be here. I swear.”

Jake’s POV

Lexi and I had fallen asleep on her moms couch when my phone ringing woke me up. I looked at the time. SHIT I’m late for my meeting. I got up kissed Lexi’s forehead, thanked her mom and ran to my house. When I got there my whole team was sitting on the front steps.

“Dude, what the fuck?” Edgar asked looking angry. He needed to relax, I was only 45 minutes late. Okay, that sounded dumb.

“Ok so let me kick off this meeting by saying I’m terribly sorry and we could celebrate what just happened to me after this. Frank called, we have 3 shows so far and he’s trying to get one or two more. We have NJ, LA, and WI. I still have to find out the exact dates. Any questions?” Edgar immediately raised his hand.

“What’re we celebrating? Come on man, spill!” Following this there were several tell us chants until they realized I was waiting.

“Ok, I was just at Lexi’s house. And, well lets just say, we will probably end up together by the end of this week.” I ended my statement with a wink. Everybody cheered except Edgar. He just sat there like somebody just told him his dog died.

“Edgar? You ok?” Joey asked him. He just stood up walked to his car and sped off. I had no idea what was going on, but I knew I was in for it.

Later that night I drove to Edgar’s house and the lights were on. I knocked on the door and he answered. “Edgar, listen..”

“Save it Jake. You know I still care about her. You know I still love her. And, you knew I was gonna try to get back together with her, you knew. You knew it all but you have to be your charming self and steal her. Well, I’ve got news for you. I’m not going to stand for it.”

“Edgar, I honestly had no idea. You never told me. I guess if that’s what you want I’ll back off. But, I just want you to know that if you hurt her again. I’ll end you.” With that I stomped off to my car. I couldn't believe him. She wasn't property, she was an angle.

When I got back to my house I knew what I was going to do. I called Madison. She answered and I asked her if she wanted to go out to lunch tomorrow. She accepted, this should be interesting.

Lexi’s POV

There was a knock on my door at around 7 PM. I answered the door and it revealed a sad looking Jake. “What’s wrong?”

“Listen, Lexi, um how do I say this? Kissing you was a mistake. I’m sorry. I don’t want to lose you as a friend. I would be a crappy boyfriend. Be with Edgar, you deserve someone who really loves you.” The tears started streaming down my face.

“A mistake? You told me you liked me. You lied to me. Why? Was this all a joke?”

“I can’t right now. Just hear me out, you’ll find out sooner or later why I had to do this. But, not from me.”

“I’ve liked you since the third grade. Then, after thirteen years I start to believe you actually like me back and you do this? Save it Jacob. Don’t bother trying to text or call me. Don’t show up here. Leave me alone. Forever this time.” Jake started walking down the hall and I saw him wipe his eyes. Good. I didn't give a shit what he was feeling. I hated him.

Jake’s POV

“Save it Jacob. Don’t bother trying to text or call me. Don’t show up here. Leave me alone. Forever this time.” Wow. Those words stung. I tried not to cry. But, I couldn't help it. I wanted to tell her the truth, but I couldn’t. I was doing the right thing. Or so I thought. 

I didn't want Edgar to hurt her again. Not like the last time. I couldn't bear to see her get that way again. The girl I loved. Wait what. No not love. Maybe? No definitely not. 

When I got home I called up Joey and told him everything that happened. But, something he said stuck in my mind. “Don’t let Edgar, the guy who hurt the one you love, take the one you love again. Go after her. Who cares about the consequences? Do it.” But, I couldn’t. Not after I told Lexi it was a mistake kissing her. What was I thinking? I’m such an idiot. I wished I could take it back. But, I can’t. My phone started buzzing and I looked at the caller ID. “What Jenny?”

“What did you do Jake?” She asked sounding disappointed.

“I don’t know Jenny. The reason I said those things were for Edgar’s sake. He was so upset when I told the boys that I really liked her.”

“You know what Edgar did to her. Why let him win? He’s just going to do it again. Jake, I know this isn't what you want.”

“I know what I want Jenny! And it isn't this!”

“She’s a wreck Jake. She won’t even talk. She’s just been laying on my lap. She finally fell asleep so I could call you. Don’t let Edgar hurt her again. Please Jake. Do something.”

“Jenny, I called Madison, we’re going on a lunch date. Maybe, maybe it’s just better, easier this way.”

“Easier?! Jake are you insane?! You’ll only make matters worse. Stop being an idiot. I have to go now. Goodbye.”

I’m not canceling my date with Madison. This is just better, for everyone.


Hey guys!!!!! What do you think Edgar did to Lexi? You’ll find out either next chapter or the chapter after! Give me some theories on what you might think! Don’t forget to vote and leave comments!!!!!!! 

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