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Today's the store opening, I'm pretty excited. I've put all my savings into this project, I really hope it'll work.

I've made a flower crown with few roses, I put it on my hair. It looks good .I put my apron and I'm ready to start. I've let several leaflets in the mailboxes of locals, just to make me advertising.

I still adjust a bit, some bouqets presentation and a few frames i had affixed to the wall. I'm feeding gerbera when the frontal door's opening.

Great, a customer.

It was a young man, he was looking to the roses.

« Hello. May I help you ? » I said, drying up my hands to my apron.

He looks at me and says.

« Hello. Yes, I've received your leaflet and I thought that you could help me. I'm looking for a flower bouquet for mother's day and I don't know what could i offer her. »

I don't remember what he said after « leaflet » because oh my god ! He's so sexy like, is he even human ? I mean, his hair shaved on one side of his head and all the masse was falling on the other side. He has an eyebrow piercing,two on his mouth,a lever earring and many tattoos. One common point, we both love tattoos, and a killing smile !

I was blushing when he asked.

« What kind of flowers do you think are better for mother's day ? » He said again,I think he understood that i wasn't listening to what he said before.

« Erm...I think that i would take roses and make a bouquet with each colours of roses. »

« Okay, then could you please make it for me ? » I was half trembling.

I take the flowers, put them on my working table. I look up at him from the corner of the eye, he was smiling while looking at what i was doing. But as I am a lucky person I have overthrew water on the floor.

« Oh shit ! » I blush more and look at him.

He was laughing.

He comes to help me. I take a tea towel and clear it while he picks the flowers that were fallen with.

« Thank you. » I said, embarassed.

« Anytime. » He smiled to me.

We both were standing without talking.

« Could you put a label in the flowers please ? »

« For sure. » I was looking for one in the closet when he gave it to me. The label was in fact next to the bouquet.

« Oh...Thank you. » I smile and blush.

« From ? »

« Louis. » I shivered.

« To ? »

« Johannah. »

He paid and left.

I have to text Niall ! I take my phone in my apron and start to type.

-Oh my god Niall you won't believe it !


Enjoy x ~ All the love, G.

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