I'd got home. Maaaaaannnnnn that'd been a long day. I decided to text PJ.
"Hey, why'd you guys run off so suddenly?" I threw my keys on the counter and slumped on the couch. I pulled out Skyrim and started playing it for about 15 minutes. That's when I suddenly got a malteser craving. So of course I needed to get up and get some. I took my phone out of my pocket and put it on the couch.
Once I got back I had a message instantly thinking of PJ I picked it up and started to answer back. Then I realized. It was from Vanessa!
"Hey. Can I sleep over your place tonight? Lols I'm so Danless! I feel empty! O_o" Ha ha she was so cute! Her jokes made me laugh.
"Sure, I'll leave a key ander a mat by my door. I might go out to get groceries. Not sure. :/" I texted her then grabbed my extra key and put it under the mat. Then I proceeded to play xbox. I played it for about 20 more minutes before I drifted off to sleep.
I got bored so I decided to text Dan.
"Hey. Can I sleep over your place tonight? Lols I'm so Danless! I feel empty! O_o" Ha ha, hope I don't seem to clingy. Then my phone vibrated.
"Sure, I'll leave a key ander a mat by my door. I might go out to get groceries. Not sure. :/" I read the text then got up and started packing my back pack.
I packed my un-mentionables obviously. Some eyeliner and lipgloss, toothbrush. My book that I needed to finish reading. It was 'Under The Dome by- Stephen King' it was a really good book so far. I doubt I'll actually read it but just in case. I packed Pajama's for tonight and an oufit for tomorrow. Since meeting Dan I knew he like music. So lastly I packed some CD's I thought he might like.
Once I was done I took a shower. Paking tooka about 5, 10 minutes tops. So once I got out it was about 15 minutes later. I got changed and walked over to his apartment.
I knocked on the door. No answer. I texted him. No answer - which was weird cause he texted back straight away- then I looked at the last message he sent. Oh yeah! The key.
I lifted up the mat and low and behold. There was a spare key. I opened the door.
"Dan? Are you still here?" I got no response so I put my stuff by the couch in the living room. Ha ha I walked up to the T.V. Skyrim's tittle screen was up and the controller was turned off. I turned around and saw Dan sleeping. Awwwww he looked so cute. I would scare him again but he looked so peaceful. Plus I think i might actually scare him to death. So I just sat on the floor and tweeted to my Youtube fans.
"Hey lockNESS monsters! Whatcha guys up to!" My fan base was called the lockNESS monsters. I thought it was cute.
Of course my twitter blew up with fans responding. I responded back to as many as I could. Ha ha then I came across one, from @AmazingPhil I had to check it wasn't a fake profile. Like one of those ones from the Phandom take over. But nope, it was Phil. How'd he find my twitter?!
It said "Hello friend! :D I see you and Dan are getting along." Wow thanks Phil, you're gonna start a shit storm again! I slapped my forehead and laughed a little.
I responded back: "Hey Phil!!! Yes we are, lols. How's Florida?"
"Great!" He responded.
Then of course a bunch of Phil and Dan's fans started freaking out: "OMG Dan and Phil have a new friend! Phil's in Florida, and Dan's alone with her! They must be dating." So I just gave up.
-noises on the couch-
I turned around cause I heard something. It wasn't Dan cause he was still asleep. It was his phone. I decided to pick it up so he didn't wake. Little bit creepy, but for once I didn't think. about it.
"Hello?" I said into the phone. A familliar voice came through the phone.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"Oh Hey Phil, This is Vanessa. We met at the airport."
"Ohhhh, hey how are you?"
"So where's Dan? Ha ha."
"Oh ha ha, he fell asleep I guess and I was here so I picked up the phone."
"Stalking him I see." he said laughing.
"No, I'm not THAT much of a fan girl!"
"Ohhhkkkaaaayyy then."
"Want me tell him to call you back?"
"Sure, thanks." He hung up the phone after that. I put the phone on the counter top next to Dan's keys.
Dan's head was kinda leaning over the edge of the couch a bit and he was facing the floor. So I layed down on the floor and Looked at him. Ha ha even in his sleep he smiles cutely. I blew in his face a couple times until he woke up. He looked into my eyes.
"Morning sleepy head." I said giggling and sitting up.
"Ah, how long have I been out?" He said rubbing his hair, and aw his hobbit hair was coming out. I don't know why he called it hobbit hair though it was adorable.
"I don't I got here about 20 minutes ago. Oh yeah and Phil called."
"Were you snooping through my phone missy?" ha said in a sarcastic tone.
"Oh yeah definatly."
He called Phil back and we listened to music for hours.
"Er mer gerd!!!" He shot up.
"I need to go shopping."
"Awwww, can't we do that in the morning?"
Then he sat back down. Grabbed my hand. Looked into my eyes.
"No, I'd be too lazy by then."
I bursted out in laughter, he was chuckling on the side.
"Fine, but you have to buy me something!"
"What do you mean? You're coming with me."
"What nooooooooooo, I'm too comfortable!! I'll die if you move me now!"
"Oh well I'll drop you off to the morge on the way there."
"Aw, at my funeral put one of your llama hat's on my head."
"Will do." He said grabbing my hand and pulling my off the floor.
-goes to store.- We got back to his complex and we decided to make a bet. Whoever got upstairs and into Dan's room first would be who get's to sleep on the bed tonight. -Even thought Phil's bed was avalible Dan didn't want me OR him to use it. it'd feel awkward.- Of course I won. Well kinda. By a second. We decided to call it a draw.