Chapter 37 - So this is the beginning to the end

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I set up the camera getting ready to do some sort of stupid internet challenege. I looked on my twitter interactions and there was a mixture of tweets. some saying "Do a video with Dan,Phil and Bonney." others said "Do the cinamin challenge." Or "Salt and Ice Challenge!!" I was just about to give up and just ask Dan to film a video with me but then I saw a couple more tweets.


"Do a a Draw My Life!!"

"Draw My Life Ness!!"

Eh, why not. Seems easy enought. I pulled out a marker and started drawing.

"So on October 16th 1991. I was born. Not very intersting I know. But around the age of five things started to get more interesting. My dad was having major drinking and drug problems. He wasn't holding up too good. And let's just say. Neither was my mother and father's relationship together."

I started tearing up. I tried holding back the tears as I drew little figures on the white board.

-snif- "Sorry guys, this is pretty emotional for me. But anyways. At around the age of nine my dad left. I knew he was leaving because he re-married and was talking about moving. I didn't really know when he'd leave though. And one summer-as I said when I was nine- I remember somehow i found out he'd left Boston, I just sat and cried with my sister. Her being just a new born obviously having no idea what was going on. I remember my mom came how and the minute she walked in the door. We both just cried...and cried...and well cried."

I scribbled with blue marker all over the board to show 'a tear river' basically.

"So moving on. Life from there was pretty much boring and depressing. From the age from ten to about 12 I had really bad depression and trust issues. - which I still have to this day.- Let's just say since the day my dad left. I've never been the same. Neither was my mom. I saw was because well...just a few months ago she passed. but I'll tell you about that soon enough."

"When I was about 16 I met this guy named Josh. He'd been hanging around my friend on the day we met. And from there we became friends. When we turned 17 we started to date. It didn't take long for things to go sour. Like my dad he had drinking problems and drug problems. Let's just say that things got rough, especially for my physical condition. And we. Well I had to break it off. "

"Since then I've moved here to Manchester. Being here only a couple of minutes I met Dan and Phil. Miracle I know right. Dan asked me if I wanted to catch a movie and we eventually started dating. All you guys know this, so I don't need to go into high detail."

I started to tear up and cry again thinking about the next few words that were going to come from my mouth.

"So um, this....what I'm about to say. You guys don't really know about. About a year ago, me and Bonney got in a bad car accident."

I breathed in to try and catch my breath.

"Um, she was okay. Just a few scrapes and bruises. Sadly I suffered a bad concussion and actually ended up in a come for a while. I'd lost my memorie. Slowly I've started re-building it. And a little while ago. Josh. You remember him from earlier yeah. He found me...and he thought it'd be smart to keep me kept away like a goldfish. He pushed me and my hea hit a wall. And blam! Memory back. That's probably the one benifit from it....So me, Dan, Phil and Bonney are still patching up the few scarres left. But we're back to normal basically."

I smiled just thinking about it. Woah, how time flies huh.

"So yeah. As you guys requested this was my draw my life. I love you guys. Without you this channel would be nowhere. Stay awesome guys, gals, monsters, llamas, lions, unicorns...etc. Um, Imma go annoy people and thank you. Thank you for your time and even your support.

Stay strong guys, be yourself. And let's just say goo-bye for now. So this is the beginning to the end."

I drew a smily face and the youtube icon and a bunch of hearts.

"I love all of you! Bye."

I stopped recording.


I walked downstairs.

"So you done?" Dan said placing a plate of food on the table in front of me.

"Thanks and yeah. I think I'll just edit it after breakfast then upload it." I said slipping a piece of bacon in my mouth.

"Great can't wait." He hugged me, kissed me on the head and sat down at the table with his plate. "I loooooooovvvee you."

"Ha ha I love you too." I quickly kissed him and ran upstairs to edit the video. I was itching with anticipation. Plus I just figured I should just get it over with.

I edited and started to upload.

"The beginning to the end guys! (hint to my video that's being uploaded) Hope you like it after all you guys picked it! :D"

I quickly tweeted out and uploaded. I sat and waited for comments to come in soon.

Apperently I fell asleep.

Blackness took over and I was deep into thought.

"Love..." Dan shook me.

"Hmm.?" I said slightly awake with my eyes still shut.

"I loved it." He kissed me on the cheek.

"What?" I sat up squinting. Dan must've moved me to the bed. I dunno...

"The beginning to the end. It sounds like a great inro to me." He smiled and kissed me.

"Once again you 'lil sap!" I smiled and kissed him. "But I'm gonna agree, this IS a great start."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2013 ⏰

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