Chapter 25 - Costume Party, The Big Question and A New Relationship

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It's been about two weeks since Vanessa cam home from the hospital. Everything's been pretty normal. Vanessa, Phil and I all still make our videos together when we can. I gotta do a live show tonight maybe Vanessa, Bonney and Phil could be in it too.

-sigh- "What should I do Phil?"

"I dunno mate, you should talk to her. Try telling her how you met and stuff maybe that'll bring back memories."

"I don't wanna risk her remembering the things about Josh though. I couldn't bare seeing her cry again. Even if we aren't together right now. I still love her."

"Maybe you should ask Bonney about it or something." Phil said reassuring me.

"Yeah maybe I should go to the girl's place now."

"Alright I'll be here." Phil said walking into his bedroom.

I ran out the door to Bonney and Vanessa's place.

-knocks on door-

"Coming!" Vanessa said runnin to get the door.

When she opened it I couldn't stop starring at her eyes. Thoses eyes. Then she smiled. I couldn't help but smile thinking about those memorise.

"Dan!" She hugged me. Not long enough though.

"Vanessa!" Said mimmicking her. "May I come in?"

"Oh yeah sure."

"So where's Bonney?" I said sitting on the couch.

"Um, she went out to go get something she should be back soon."


"So whatcha need then?" She said sitting next to me.

"Um, I wanted to talk."

"To Bonney?" She said.

"No, you."

"Okkkkkaay. About what?"

"Um, I-ah um" I stutterded not knowing what to say. "About us."

"Us? Us as in Phil, You, Bonney and I us?"

"Um, no."


"Well I know you don't remember but we were like- a offical us."

"Oh yeah that. Bonney tried telling me about that."


"So what? I don't really know what you expect from me. I can't just date you again."

"I know, I wouldn't expect you to." I started to raise my voice a touch.

"Daniel I'd advise you to not raise your voice to me."

"Hmm-" I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry. How about we try and start over."

"But techniacally we just met."

I sighed. "well, tell me if you ever want to talk about this again." I stood up and barged out of the room. I walked out the door and ran back to my place.

"So how did it g-"  Phil said as I ran past him. I ran past Phil and slammed my bedroom door before he could finish the sentence.


After Dan left I sat there and re-thought the situation. I know Bonney AND Dan both told me about the thing between me and him. It's not like they're lying. Why would they. It's just that I've changed I know I have.

You gotta remember me, right? (Danisnotonfire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now