We got to his door way at the same time. I thought that I got there first but anyways.
"We'll figure this out later." Dan said crossing his arms.
"Sore looser."
"Nu uhhhh It was a tie!!"
"Ha ha suuuureeee it was." I said chuckling off into the living room.
I check Twitter one more time cause I felt like I forgot something. I did.
"Holy shit!"
"What happened??!?!" Dan said frantically running to me.
"I have to do a live show tonight!"
"Ha ha go do it then."
"I don't have my laptop!" I said panicing.
"Okay just go get it."
"Noooo I can't I always do mines on time. Can I just use your computer?"
"Uhh yeah sure. Just lemme log out of YouNow."
"Thanks!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek without even thinking about it. I just brushed it off to make it not seem awkward.
I tweeted: "Hey lockNESS monsters!! Live show starting in a few seconds log on with facebook and come and join me! :D Can't wait to see you there"
I logged on a bam, there was about 3,000 people on. Not much compared to Dan, but alot for me.
It didn't take long for the Q+A to be over before someone asked where was I filming from. I knew when I said Dan's house it would make things worse but I didn't care.
"Oh, um I'm at Dan's house."
Of course that got a bunch of people amazed. Some one said prove it so I moved the camera around a bit to show off his room Thankfully no underware was on the floor and it was spotless.
Some were STILL sceptical.
"Hey Dan! Can you come here for a sec."
Yeah sure gimme a minute." He yelled from the kitchen.
"See you guy's he's coming now." He walked into the room -not in the sight of the camera-
"Yep, what's up?"
"Come here and say 'Hi' to all the monsters." He walked behind the chair where I was sitting. He put his hand on my shoulder and waved.
"Hey guys!"
Then suddenly the chat filled up with a bunch of OTP comments.
"Lol calm down you guys, we're......just friends." I said smiling at him, he smiled back.
"Well I think I'll go on YouNow and chat with you guys too"
You could just stay here with me Dan Ha ha." I said making fun of him.
"Whatever.." He said rolling his eyes. He went into one of hhis drawers and grabbed a llama hat and covered my head with it. Pulling it down lower to cover my eyes.
We started messing around again and trowing pillows and stuffed animals around, completely forgetting about the live show.
"Ha ha ha, well gotta go you guys. I'll make a new video sometime this week hopefully starring some familiar faces!" I turned to Dan and winked.
"Bye guys." Dan waved to the camera. Then I turned around and hit him with pillows as my few second of the show were left.
"So what now?" I said while slowly lowering the pillow.
"I dunno."
"Oh yeah this bed's mines tonight!" I laughed and jumped on the bed. I wrapped myself in the covers and pretended to be sleeping.
"Oh yeah this bed's mines tonight!" She giggle and wraped up in the blanckets.
Aw she was so perfect! I should ask her out on a REAL date now. I jumped on the bed next to her. I wrapped my arms around her. I could feel her face lift as she smiled.
"Ha ha, what are you doing Daniel?" As usual she giggled. She giggled all the time. I loved that about her.
"What friends can't cuddle?"
"Noooooo, but boyfriend and girlfriends can." She shut her eyes once again and shifted her head around a burried her head deeper into my arms. She looked into my eyes. Okay, now's your chance Dan, just ask her out!
She sat up. "What's wrong Dan?"
"Uhh, nothing be right back." I decided to do something. I ran to go get my phone from the living room.
I tweeted out: "Hey #lockNESSmonsters I need your help! As many of you as you can tweet to @Nessy_Mon.246 asking her if she would go out with me. Go!" It wasn't the BEST idea ever cause I knew it'd fuck up a lot of stuff, but I didn't care. I texted Vanessa right after that.
"Heyyyyyyyy, check your Twitter now!" she texted me back:
"Pushy!!!! And Why?:"
"Just check. Pweeez for me?"
-About 5 minutes later-
She walked out of the room, I sat on the couch watching Game Of Thrones re-runs.
"so, who's idea was it to spam my twitter with Danessa tweets?"
"Um, oh y'know just a random guy.....-"
She smiled and ran her fingers throught my horrible hobbit hair. Ugh I looked so ugly right now more than ever.
"I love your hair like this you know."
"Okaaaay, moving on. I'm just gonna be straight foward." She stoped and looked into my eyes I almost fell into a transe. She was beautiful! I neeeded her to be mines. "Wanna go out on a date?"
Omg, my heart dropped. He, wanted to go out......with ME! All I could do was run my fingers gently tangling and untangling the curls on top of his head.
"Yes." I smiled and hugged him. The hug lasted for quite a long time. I didn't care. I liked it. It was so comforting to know, that someone. Especially him, cared about me. Finally we broke apart. I starred into his gorgeous big brown eyes. I just gazed. I got lost in them. I couldn't look away. Niether could he. He leaned in closer. He cupped his hand on my cheek. He put his hand on my hips and drew me closer to him. I felt safe, warm....loved. He stared into my eyes.
I smirked, I tried to turn away to hide my blushing. He pulled me face around and looked back into my eyes.
"I love your smile." Then he leaned in and kissed me.