Chapter 26

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hey guys so this book has about fifteen chapters left which sounds like a lot, but will go by very fast. i just want to let you guys know that there will not be a sequel :( i love you all, though. i appreciate that you guys have stuck with me and this story :) love ya!


Chapter 26


(Brooke's POV)

"Ah, I can't believe that I missed England so much!" I confessed to Niall as we walked off of the plane.

"I know, right? Isn't it just great to be home?" he smiled at me. Since that kiss, I've tried to keep it the same, but it's been just a bit awkward.

"Yeah, it is," I smiled at the ground. Wow that sounded like I pulled it right out of What Makes You Beautiful. Except I'm not beautiful. I'll give myself decent, but not beautiful. "So how are we getting home?"

Suddenly, Charlotte pulled up in her red convertible with Aiden.

"Need a ride?" she called. I ran as fast as I could to her, and gave her a big hug.

"I missed you so much!" I smiled.

"I missed ya, too, sweet pea!" Charlotte laughed a little.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Aiden walked up to me, his arms wide open. I gave him a big hug, too.

"I missed you, too, CL," I giggled.

"CL?" he asked me.

"Chopped Liver," I replied. He rolled his eyes, and I put my bags and Niall's in the trunk. I brought back more than I intended (I did a bit of shopping), but I was just glad to be here in general. Niall and I hopped into the back seats, and they drove us to our house. When we finally got there, Niall and I collapsed on the couch.

"You want to get some sleep?" he asked me.

"Of course," I sighed, and we both fell asleep right then and there.


"I know, there's just so many choices, and they're all so expensive!"

"Why don't you go someplace foreign, you know, like France or Spain or something."

"Not a bad idea."

"See, aren't I the smartest?"

"Well, I mean, you are the only one out of any one of my friends who attends a university, so yes."


"Yeah, all of my friends are celebrities."

"Way to rub it in."

"Come on, Jackson! You're friends with Brooke Lawson! THE Brooke Lawson!"


"Hey, I found a place!"

"Where is it?"

"Paris! It has one large bedroom, one large bathroom, a small kitchen, and a lovely living room. It's beautiful!"

"That sounds amazing! How much is it?"

"Well, the price range is really low in my budget, so..."

"You're going to take it?"

"I think so!"

"Awesome! Hey, listen, I have to go. I really have to study for this exam I have for Lit and Lang coming up. Can I call you back tonight? Maybe we can celebrate!"

"Of course!"

"You know I'll miss you when you leave for Paris."

"I'll miss you, too. But I'll call you! should call me. You'll be busier."

"True! Okay, bye!"


I sighed as I got off the phone. I clicked on the real estate things on the computer, set up the starting price, date when I'd be ready, and I was done! I'm moving! I've been planning this for a while, but I finally set it in motion.

"Hey, who was that you were on the phone with?" Niall asked me, coming in from the kitchen.

"Oh, just Jackson," I smiled.

"You sounded pretty excited, is there something going on between you two?" Niall made his eyebrows dance.

"No, of course not! Well, there is something going on, but it isn't between us," I shrugged.

"So...what is it?" Niall asked me, curious.

"I'm moving to Paris!"


but the briall2 action just started! :( darn you brooke. wait. nvm. i'll take niall for meself. hehehe. >:D



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