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Melvin's POV

once me and kindra reached the top of the stairs we couldnt believe our eyes. I never thought I would see this day. I never thught something like this would happen to us. I saw my five year old son stand before me covered in blood. All I cold say as my knees dropped to the floor was why. Why my son. Why my family. Why us. Why me,

Kindra began crying so hard she couldnt breathe and I dont blame her. He is our son and only five what could he possibly have done to anyone to make them this fucking upset.

" call 911 " I yelled to kindra. She raced down the stairs to do as she was told. I was heartbroken. My only son is died. Who cold have done this shit. Who the fuck could hate me and my family so much to do something like this.

Kindra's POV

I ran down the stairs into the living room to grab my phone off the table to where it always is. I dialed 911 as fast as I could.

Phone call

Operator - 911 what is your emergency ?

Kindra - myyyy my son he he he is dying!!! Please hurrry !!!

Operator - ok ma'am calm down now where is the bleeding coming from

I rushed up the stairs to where javon and melvin were.

Kindra- its some from his head and some from his stomach. Just please hurry!!!!

Operator - ok ma'am make sure to keep pressure on the bleeding. What is the address?

Kindra- 1496 Harvard St. Please hurrry!!!!!!

Operator - ok ma'am the ambulance is on its way. Keep pressure on the bleeding.

End of conversation

I hung up after she said that. I couldn't believe this was happening. I knew something didn't feel right. I just hope my baby boy will live. I dant even think right now. My son is my world. If he doesn't make it I dont know what ill do. This is some crazy shit. Who could be some cruel to shoot a little boy.

Within minutes the ambulance came. All I could see was red and white lights as they pulled up to our house. The door was unlocked so they came right in. I heard the heavy foot steps of them coming up the stairs but all I could think about was the blood of my son on my hands as I tried to put pressure on the bleeding.

Four guys rushed beside me and lifted javon on a gurney. I was still bawling my eyes out as melvin was talking to one of the guys about javon. I prayed to GOD my son wuld live.

Someone yelled out " who is going with him to the hospital?".
I finished my prayer and said " ME I AM GOING" melvin had to be at work tomorrow , i have all of javon's information on me 24/7 and I feel I know my son better. " ok come on we have to hurry or he wont make it". I nodded my head and then ran down the stairs after they took javon down. Tears still rushig from my eyes as I ran into the ambulance.

They quickly shut the double doors and we hurried to the nearest hospital.

" what's his name ?" The guy with the clipboard said as the three other guys tried to keep javon alive until we got to the hospital.

" Javon Romel Davis " I gave the man a quick glace before returning to stairing at Javon.

" how much does he weigh?" The man asked. I searched through my purse for javons medical records which were as recent as I could get. I quickly handed him the papers so he could copy down whatever he needed to. I looked at my son again all I could think was my poor baby I should have said I felt something was wrong or was going to happen maybe you wouldnt be this way if I did. This is all my fault. My thoughts stopped as we reached children's hospital.

I jumped out then they brought javon out. We all ran through the hospital to get him a bed once he was in the bed he was hooked up to all kinds of machines with all sorts of tobs in his arms. All I could do was cry at this point. Cry and hope that my baby will be ok.

The doctor came to me and said " are you his mother? "
"Yes" I quickly answered. " it seems that your son has multiple bullets in him and a couple of pieces of wood. What I would have to do is extract the bullets and try my best to remove the wood without crushing any major arteries. " he said as police arrived to our room.

Some officers pulled me to the side and said "hello I am officer dug and this is my partner officer dave ". " hello " I said crying not to cry more. " ms.davis can you tell us what happened? " as they pulled out notepads. "Yes " I said " my husband had just gotten home from work and we were in our living room when we hear un shoots and ran upstairs to see our five year old son covered in blood. Then we called the ambulance. " I explained.

" who else was in your home?" One officer asked.
" no one that I know of " I responded.
" do you or your husband have any enemies or someone you think that would have it out for your son? "
" no we didnt have any enemies. " I said
" what time was it when you discovered your son upstairs?" The other asked. " i think it was 11 or 11:30 PM because my boyfriend gets off at 10." I said. " ok no further questions but we will need a list of people you and your husband associate with , and a list lf people who could have gained entry to your house. Ok ?" The officers said.

" ok " I said as they walked to talk to the nurse about Javon. Then I got a text message from melvin :

Ill be up there in a minute

Then I heard javon say " where is my momy and daddy ?"
Daddy the word echoed in my heard head until I remembered. The bloody note left on the bathroom wall that melvin had to clean up! I ran to the officers.

" I just remembered a few days ago someone left a note in blood saying do you love daddy ." I said as my tears were just beginning to stop. " ok ma'am we'll go take a look at the house right away." They said as they walked away.

I returned to my son who was crying. I could tell he was scared. " everything will be ok " I said to him as he closed his eyes.


Hey guys sorry its been a while my phone is broken so im using my tablet now. Tell me what you guys think. Please comment questions or just anything really lol. Dont forget to vote my loves and add this book to your libraries. Also I have other books I personally think are great so please check those out and look at my little sisters books too @truenickii.

Love you guys

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