Chapter 3 Reliving The Past (Part 1)

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Hey it has been a while! But I am back and better than ever! So I have devised a new system of updating: Every other Monday I will (hopefully) update. Also my computer is acting up. It is being very slow and temperamental. Though, it will most likely fix itself, as it has before. If anything I will update from my IPod or Tablet. Thanks and Enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Percy Jackson. As you can tell I am not Trolldan, who is better known as Uncle Rick.


"Well when I was about 11 my dad showed up to our apartment-"

I cut Percy off: "Wasn't your mom still with Gabe back then?"

"Yep. So my dad showed up, but of course at the time I didn't know he was my dad. He asked to talk to Mom. They left the apartment and talked for like a half an hour. When they came back in, Mom told me that she and Dad had some 'business' to take care of and that I had to stay with Smelly Gabe. They left and I have no idea what they did or why he came, a few weeks later, Mom found out that she was pregnant."

"Wait," I said, "So, they, like, ya know..... Did it? But your mom was married!"

He laughed. "Do you really think she cared? Mom loved - still loves - Dad. Of course she loves Paul, too. And she can't have Dad, anyway."

Isabel, who had been listening this whole time, spoke up: "what is it?" She asked in her toddler voice.

Percy laughed even harder, "Don't worry, Iz, you will know when you are older, and yes, I suppose they did do it, Annabeth." he chuckled again. "Anyway, Mom tried to convince Gabe that it was his kid," Percy made a face, "But he had his suspicions. Pretty sure that was around the time he started hitting her." He stopped for a second. I knew this was still a sensitive topic for him.

I think Isabel sensed Percy's anger. She wrapped her hands around his neck and hugged him. His grimace turned into a loving smile. He really loves her. I smile at the two, I couldn't help it. Percy took a deep breath, and then continued, "That was one of the years I went to a military boarding school. So, off I went leaving my pregnant mother and Gabe. I came home around Christmas and everything was going well with the pregnancy. She was about 5 months along. Then on April 14th Isabel Katie Jackson was born. Gabe didn't want her to have his surname, because he still thought Mom cheated."

"Which she did," I reminded him, smiling.

He stuck his tongue out. "I came home at the end of May and saw my baby sister for the first time. Mom told me that she was my half-sister. Obviously. So for the first two years of Isabel's life things were good. Other than Gabe, but Iz and I just ignored him. We were very close. In January when Isabel was 2, almost 3, things got bad."

I started feeling extremely worried for this little girl. I had only known her for an hour and already I want to protect her from harm. And by the way Percy holds on to her, he feels the same way.

"Mom started to seem worried and she was more on edge whenever she was around Iz. That made me worried, too, of course. Zeus found out about Isabel."

How did she survive? I thought.

Isabel cringed knowing what came next in the story. Percy noticed and hugged her tighter, kissing the top of her head. "For weeks there were constant storms and the ocean seemed to have gone crazy. It almost looked like the ocean and sky were fighting. Then Poseidon came back. He and Mom talked in a hushed whisper at the kitchen table. That was until Gabe came out of the bedroom, looking like he had just woken up. He started yelling threats to Dad and pulled Mom away from him. Dad was furious. He told Gabe that if he ever touched Mom again, he would be a dead man." Percy smiled proudly. He really loved his father, also. "Dad winked at Mom and left. Later that night when everyone had gone to bed, Mom woke me up and told me that Isabel would have to leave us. I didn't want that. Got very mad, but she insisted that it was for her own good and ours too. So the next week Mom pretended to go to work. But really she and Dad were planning out how they would hide Iz. They didn't plan fast enough, though. A few days afterward, a horrible storm hit, knocking the power out. Gabe wasn't there; he had gone to a friend's to play poker. So Mom, Isabel, and I sat huddled under blankets with candles and flashlights telling stories. Mom told us old Greek myths. Isabel loved them. Though, the happy mood didn't last for long. A huge bolt of lightning lit up the whole apartment and struck the top of the building. An electric shock ran through it, but thankfully didn't hurt us."

At this point I was confused. I knew that Zeus had sent the bolt, but he purposely let them survive. Why? Percy started speaking again, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Isabel was a bit frightened, so Mom took us into my bedroom, since it was late, and we all slept in there. When we woke up, Isabel was missing."

I gasped. She couldn't have left by herself, someone must've taken her. That someone being Zeus. How could he? I was disgusted. But, A little voice in my head said, it isn't the first time the gods have done something like this... I thought of how I ran away when I was nine, meeting Thalia and.... Luke. I felt tears coming into my eyes. Luke's death was still very painful to think about. I knew he did the right thing in the end and is now in Elysium, finally enjoying himself.


Okay, I know what you are going to say: 'Why is this chapter so short? I want to know what happened to Isabel' ...Well here is your answer: I wanted to see if I could write a decent cliffhanger. But I am going to split this chapter into two parts, so that means you won't have to wait until the Monday after next for my next update. I will have part 2 done by Wednesday at the latest. Also, do any of you make good covers? If so, maybe you want to help me with mine... *hint hint* Thank you! And if you do then message me! I hope you are really liking my story. Remember when I said that it was going to be 3 to 5 chapters? Yeah well that has changed. It is going to be, hopefully WAY longer than that.... I have a great plan that will..... nevermind. I am not going to tell you and ruin it! So see ya Wednesday!! Gosh now that I am editing, I realize that it is extremely short... I'm sorry, guys. But I promise you that part 2 will be VERY long. :D

Also I realize that Percy would be 13 when Isabel disappeared, but that was the only way I could work it out and still have it the way I want it. Sorry if it bothers you

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