Chapter 4 Reliving the Past (Part 2)

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Well, hello, hello, hello! it has been a very long time, hasn't it? I am happy to say that I am very excited to start posting more of this story and hope to do it frequently. Just a little side note I was thinking that maybe after I finish this story I could start a 'Harry Potter reading the books' fanfic. It would be really fun and be different from all the others. So tell me what you think in the comments or just message me :-) on with the hopefully long chapter... 

"When we woke up, Isabel was missing." 


Percy saw the emotions written on my face and stopped for a moment. He knew I was thinking about Luke. Percy could read me so well. I smiled at him, prompting him to go on, showing him that I was fine. 

Percy smiled and started, "Mom seemed to know what had happened; she was crying and cursing the sky. Then my dad appear out of thin air. Mom ran to him and begged him for help, to set it right. 

"He said there was nothing he could do and Zeus wouldn't listen to him - Hey! What? Got tired of me already?" He mocked looking hurt but smiled at Isabel. 

Isabel had jumped out of Percy's arms and walked over to me and sat in my lap. I smiled, she looked so much like Percy. I imagine this is what some of his kids will look like. I hope my kids will look like this.... Wait! Where did that come from? I had a sudden vision of me and Percy sitting in a field with a little boy with black, curly hair and gray eyes. Do I really have a future with Percy? I would like one. At that I smiled. I wondered if he ever thought of his future with me in it... 

"You have that far off look in your eyes, again, Annie," he said waving a hand in front of my face. 

I rolled my eyes and hugged Isabel closer. "Just continue your explanation, Seaweed Brain." 

"Alright, alright! Where was I? Oh, right! So Dad wanted us to come to his under sea Palace to keep us away from Zeus, but Mom refused. She said she wasn't going anywhere until we found Isabel. Now this is where the story gets sketchy. . . We didn't know what happened to Isabel, but we knew it had something to do with Zeus. Mom demanded that Posideon go back to Olympus and get Izz back, even if it meant that he would have to fight. I will admit that was the only time I have ever seen Mom threaten someone like that." Percy largely smiled at the thought of his mom threatening someone. I smiled a bit too. 

"Anyway Posideon said he would try his best, then he left. We didn't hear anything for a few weeks, Gabe was probably the happiest man on Earth; not having to deal with the other 'brat'," He made quotation marks with his fingers around the word brat, "as he put it. Then one morning when Smelly Gabe had a poker game going on and me and Mom were finishing breakfast loud banging started at the door. Of course Gabe complained, but Mom ran to get it. It was Dad. 

"Gabe said something like 'Oh, not this guy, again. I will probably need to beat him up. Again.'" 

I couldn't help it, I cracked up. Percy started to laugh too, and Isabel giggled. 

"Yeah. So, Dad took Mom into my bedroom and closed and locked the door behind them. Of course, being me, I had to listen in, so I put my ear to the door and hear Dad say that Zeus said he had killed Isabel and that he might even try to kill me. I was shocked and I'm pretty sure I started crying. Mom was bawling her eyes out and Dad was comforting her, but crying as well." 

A/N Be happy. I almost just stopped here, because I really wanted to post something, but it is WAY to short to stop so enjoy the rest :-)  

"And that's pretty much it...," Percy finished lamely with a frown on his face. 

My mind was working in overtime. So Zeus was of course lying about killing Isabel, but what did he really do to her? Hmmm.... I wonder..... 

I set Isabel down on another chair and got up to wrap Percy in a hug. My arms wound around his torso and I laid my head against his chest. He kissed the top of my head and whispered in my ear, "Thanks Annabeth." I smiled and hugged him tighter, then let go. I stood on my tippy-toes to kiss him on the lips. He tenderly kissed he back. As well pulled away from each other, little Isabel climbed off their chair and ran to where we were standing. She hugged our legs until Percy picked her up and hugged her properly. Then Isabel pulled me into the hug as well. It didn't matter where we all came from or how bad our pasts were. None of it mattered at that moment. The only thing that did was that we were all safe and happy. A family. 

Percy pulled away and said, "I am going to Olympus and demand Zeus to tell me what he did to my sister. I hate him and I will never forgive him." 

Isabel flinched away at the ferocity of his voice. 

"I'm coming with you!" I exclaimed. 

Percy looked at me searchingly. He smiled and said, "I wouldn't want it any other way Wise Girl."


I have to say that this is probably my favorite chapter so far. I am a sucker for Percabeth! Did I do a good job writing Percabeth? Please tell me in the comments :-) Also a shout out to Ninjakitty9299 for suggesting that I add Percabeth and make them a little family. I thought about that the whole time I was writing this chapter and I hope that I met your expectations and don't worry: there will be more Percabeth to come! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment on how you feel about 'HP Reading The Books' fanfic! Okay so I posted this from my tablet. Big mistake. I can't put anything in bold or put anything in italics. It is really annoying!

Edit: My computer is working again!!! Yay so I could edit everything and bold and put things in italics!!! It is sooo exciting!!!!

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