Worst Movie Ever

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Maya looked at the brunette and groaned, she really didn't want to follow her around 24/7 but she knew that she had to after all this was an escort mission and her job was to do exactly that. The blonde sat in the hanging chair that Lucas had delivered to her from her apartment back home that he knew she liked to have on any long term missions, she ran her fingers through her hair as she tried to think of something else to do that Riley would agree to. Riley was suggesting that they go to the cafe' near the college courtyard. "I would rather do literally anything other than that." Maya said and had a sarcastic tight pressed smile on her lips as she leaned back and crossed her legs, she looked at the brunette dully and groaned as she heard an 'Ohh Really' fall out of Riley's mouth.

"Want to watch a movie with me?" Riley asked and raised and eyebrow and swayed from one hip to the other. The blonde nodded because really what could be worse than talking to Riley's friends. The brunette crawled into they're shared bed and picked up the remote and clicked through the movie channels and settled for Twilight. Maya was wrong. This was definitely worse.

"Really this shitty movie?" Maya asked and sat down on her side leaving a good foot between their hips. The blonde had been with her target for two months and absolutely nothing has happened and Riley wasn't anything special, she was just a normal human who was a little too naive and a little too eager about everything. "This is legit the worst movie about vampires ever." Maya said and looked down at her phone to check on any messages she could have gotten.

"It's not that bad I mean it's romantic." Riley said and ran her fingers through her hair as she watched the movie. Maya wanted to point out how many things were wrong in the movie but instead spent the whole time texting Lucas about the dumb movie.

"Yup still literally the dumbest vampire movie out there." Maya said and grabbed her 'cigarette pack' which were actually a way of her killing her craving for human blood. It was basically a vape pen that tasted like blood but it was charmed so that the smoke looked grey to every one outside of the fae world but appeared red to any one who was in the fae world. The blonde walked out to the main area for the dorm and walked outside not aware that Riley was following her out, Maya leaned against an outside wall and lit her fake cigarette and put it in her mouth all of her cravings melting away and she didn't feel like sinking her fangs in the cute little redhead across the hall from her. When the blonde saw Riley next to her she jumped a little and rolled her eyes. "For fucksake I need to put a bell on your neck." Maya said and took in a puff.

"Sorry, I thought maybe you'd like a little company, I didn't know you're a smoker." Riley said and furrowed her brows in concern as she stood next to Maya. "You know that's really bad for you?" She asked and Maya let the puff out and groaned, could Riley be any more annoying? Maya smiled at the blood red smoked that poured out of her nostrils as she breathed out and bit her lip. "Hey why is your smoke red?" Riley asked curiously and Maya looked at her a bit confused but then tried to think of an answer.

"Its not its the way the light is making it look." Maya said and took in another puff, no amount of this fake cigarette would get rid of Maya's stress from being around Riley 24/7 but it was doing a great job at not making her want to rip her voicebox out. The blonde puffed out the red smoke again and looked at Riley and groaned. "I promise its just the way the sunset is making it look." Maya said and looked up at the sky. Who the hell is she then? She asked herself and looked Riley up and down.

"O-Oh Okay I believe you." The brunette said like a gullible kid, Maya smirked and yawned softly as she continued to look at Riley carefully. "Its funny, my mom met my dad in college, I don't know much about my mom, she kinda disappeared when I was little." Riley rambled on about stuff that didn't even connect together. "Really all I know about my mom was that Her name was Topanga." She said and made a face of confusion.

Maya knew that name too well and the name was too rare for it to be a coincidence. The blonde looked at Riley as she began to see the similarities in her facial features and she began to realize how much deep shit she really was in. "Ohh fuck me." She whispered to herself and shook her head as she put out her fake cigarette and put it in her pocket knowing that she could only get a limited amount of them.

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