Chapter 7.

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×Ello beauties! I have another vote. This chapter is dedicated to jfloz99!! Thank you so much for voting! :)×

Chapter 7. Rave's best friend? Who is it?!

[|×|] A/n: hello. This chapter is where my character enters! Yay!

One month passes since Edd and Kevin got together.

Andy's point of view.

My fathers and I just arrived in peach creek. I lived in the Cul-De-Sac. Finally I can see my best friend Rave! I missed him so much. I haven't seen him for a year, or around that time.

As I was in the moving van getting my boxes out I heard a familiar voice.

Rave's point of view.

As soon as I saw the moving van in her new driveway I ran straight out of my house and ran over from across the street yelling her name.

"Andy!!! I missed you so much!!!"

I see her to turn around from inside the van and look at me. She smiled so excitedly as she jump into my arms.


she yelled at me hugging me tight.

That got everyone's attention, including my boyfriend's. Oh uh.
"Calm down silly." I said.
She nodded and let go. She jumped up and down so happy. That's when her fathers came and smiled seeing me.
"Ah! Its Rave! Nice to see you pal." They said. Then my parents came over saying hi. They did their parent thing and then went inside. Andy smiled at me but it faded when she saw people looking at her and me.

She hid behind me, tightly holding onto my arm as Kevin and Nat walked over. She looked very scared. Won't be for long though. Nat stared at her for a while before asking, "Why are you so touchy with my boyfriend?!"

Oh shit.

Andy's point of view.

Boyfriend? He has a boyfriend! Omg! Yassss!

I look up and at Nat as Rave face palmed his forehead. "You have a boyfriend Rave!?" I start smiling and jumping up then down repeatedly.
His eyes open wide and he nods.


Rave's point of view.

Oh no!

"Guys close your ears in



1.." I memmetaly plug my ears as she started yelling yes and so cute and adorable. She giggles says she ships it. That's what she always says.

Andy's point of view.

"I'm so happy for you two!!" I say hugging Nat who looks at Rave confused then at me.

"I ship you two together. Its cute." I replied then noticed some people started to come out of their houses and head over here. And because of my screaming my fathers run out quite scared. But then they soon realized its just 'cuz I was fangirling.

"So.. We're popular now ..?" My daddy asked as pop nodded then shoved his love back inside the house. Hehe.

I hid behind Rave as I hid my face into his back. He sighed knowing why.

No ones point of view.

The whole gang including three others walked over to where Rave, Nat, and Kevin where standing not seeing another person until Rave moved to show a short girl with mint green hair, a black beanie, black and white long selveed shirt, with black skinny jeans along with black vans. She had glasses and a choker around her neck. Rave was the first one to speak to her. "Did you take your meds?!" He asked her as she had tears in her eyes as she shook her head no.

He groaned then hugged her taking her back Into the house. Everyone surrounded Kevin and Nat. Edd was next to speak.

"What was that loud squealing and high pitched scream?!" Edd asked Kevin. Nat answed for him. "That was Rave's best friend Andy."

That's when two new voices spoke,
"Andy?! We haven't seen her since we were little!" They ran up to Nat, Kevin, and Edd. The boys was the same height. One was named John and had pink pastel hair with brown eyes along with freckles. He was wearing a light blue button up shirt with a light pink bow and spenders. He had black pants with black vans. While his boyfriend, Jim had blue pastel hair, brown eyes and no freckles. He was wearing a light pink button up shirt with a light blue bow and spenders. He had the same pants and vans. They smiled at the boys then ran to the door as Andy and Rave came out. 

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