Chapter 5

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Michael and I slowly walked back into the barn, and the smell of venison filled my senses. Andrew stood at the top of the stairs waiting for us.

"How are you Kaida?" He asked softly as he pulled me to their makeshift table.

I shrugged, not knowing what to say to him. He sat me down in front of a plate full of food, and quietly sat next to Mary. I glanced up at her. She was quite beautiful.

"Eat Kaida. You will need your strength." Michael said as he sat next to me. "We are going to try something to jog your memory after we finish eating.

I nodded and slowly ate what was on my plate. After I was finished Donovan walked into the barn and sat down across from me. His eyes glowing that striking green again. Slowly the noise around the room faded as I got pulled into his eyes. My heart started beating frantically. A flash of dragons fighting filled my mind. A large white one and a slightly larger green one collided into each other. I threw myself away from the table as soon as the scene left me. I landed flat on the ground, breathing heavily. They all stood up in shock, staring at me.

"Kaida?" Andrew said as he reached to grab me.

"Don't" Donovan growled quietly, stopping Andrew in his tracks.

"I'm fine...I just need to get out of here..." I mumbled and slowly got to my feet.

I slowly walked outside and sat in the empty field beside the barn. I heard the group follow me out. I'm losing it...This is insane. I thought as I pictured that scene again. I pulled it up as if it was my own memory.

"You remember something didn't you?" Michael asked hopefully. He had a sparkle in his eye.

"I did...It was of dragons fighting in the sky. It was a devastating sight." I said slowly.

"Indeed, it was." Mary said sadly as she grabbed Andrews hand.

"Where's the dragons now?" I asked quietly, rubbing my arms up and down as I slowly became colder.

"We can show you." Mary said softly. She began to walk into the middle of the field, a good distance away. Donovan came up behind me and softly placed the jacket he had been wearing on my shoulders. He then followed Mary out.

Andrew stood with a magnificent smile on his face. "You're going to enjoy this. Don't overthink this Kaida." He said quietly.

As quickly as I had glanced at him, the dragons had arrived. There in the field stood the two dragon's from the night before. The white dragon stretched his magnificent wings and released a roar that shook my very being. Andrew laughed and quickly walked towards the yellow dragon. He ran up and touched it's lowered head. He rubbed between it's eyes and kissed it's nose.

"What are you doing?" I yelled frantically at him. I jumped up and ran towards him. The yellow dragon immediately noticed and stepped in front of Andrew, bearing it's sharp teeth inches from my face. I froze as it's ocean blue eyes stared into mine.

"Back up Kaida." A voice commanded in my head. I slowly took two steps back and bumped into something. I slowly looked up and saw the white dragon with his head raised above the yellow dragon's. Being so close now you could tell the white dragon was at least twice the size.

"Andrew! Are you okay?" I frantically called as I tried to peek around the large yellow legs in front of me.

"Kaida, Stop yelling." the voice commanded in my head again. I leaned against the white dragon's leg, suddenly feeling extremely tired. "Relax and look."

I glanced up and saw Andrew on the back of the yellow dragon. He had a huge smile on his face. The yellow dragon growled and jumped into the air. He howled in joy as they flew higher into the sky. The white dragon leaned it's head in front of my face and I began to calm down slightly. The vibrant green eyes stared into mine as if it was reading my soul.

"You have changed many times over. I do not sense any recognition from you at all" The voice echoed sadly. The green eyes became cloudy in front of me, as another vision filled my mind.

"You're full of yourself Donovan! Just do as I say, I am the rider and you are the dragon!" Laughed a woman as she looked upon the white dragon.

"You may be the rider, but you are my rider. We are one. You always try to take too much control too fast." The same voice echoed.

I slowly leaned back against the dragon's leg. I was so confused by everything going on. It was yet again like the last memory. It sounded like me and it was the same dragon but it was not my own memory.

"Donovan?" I asked quietly as I placed my hand against the white dragon's face. He released a puff of smoke and his eyes began to light up again. "I do not understand" I whispered softly staring into his green eyes. I felt like my whole life was bound to these striking green eyes.

"You will understand with time." He said comfortingly. "For now however, let us ride. It has been many years without you..." He pulled me up with his nose and placed me slowly onto the nape of his magnificent neck. "Hold on Kaida"

He slowly walked a couple steps before taking off. I gasped as we jumped into the air with one swift motion. He flew easily around the farm.

"This is incredible!" I screamed as I held my arms out. I could feel his muscles flexing with each beat of his wings and slight turn of his body.

"Yes it is love" I heard Donovan whisper in my head. "Try speaking to me with your mind." He said louder as he turned sharply towards the farm.

"What do you mean?" I called back, immediately adjusting my body to his movement.

"Just do it. Stop questioning everything. You know what you are doing. It is instinct for you." He said as he quickly flew upwards.

"It's not instinct. All of this is new to me...I know you all believe it isn't but it is." I said frustrated.

"But you got it." He said with a laugh.

Slowly he took us back down to the ground. I was laughing as we landed, completely exhilarated by what had just happened. I slid to the ground, and lost my balance. I plopped on the ground with an uncontrollable laugh. I felt two arms wrap the jacket more tightly around me. I glanced up to find Donovan standing over me.

"You are magnificent" I whispered

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