Chapter 4

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After what seemed like an eternity of explaining and arguing, my head was pounding. It was an immense amount of information. I stood up and began to pace the small barn, instantly wishing it was bigger. I should have grabbed Andrew and ran as soon as I got that feeling last night. When did my senses start to dull? I have been stationary too long. I scolded myself over and over for falling into this mess. My pace began to quicken, as did my breath. Everyone before me was silent, watching me pace.

The green eyed man, Donovan, slowly stood and walked up to stop me. He softly grabbed my shoulders, and looked me straight in my eyes. My breath caught yet again. His green eyes visibly intensified the longer he looked into my light gray ones. He slightly smiled. How can they think I can believe this? It is insane!

"I know this is a lot to take in, but it is real. We can show you." Donovan whispered to me. He looked almost afraid of my reaction, as he lightly rubbed his hands down my arms. Tingles erupted down my spine, and I quiet gasp escaped my lips. I have never experienced a sensation like this. Who is this man?

"I need some air." I whispered out, and pulled out of his grip. I sprinted down the stairs, and out the old barn door. I was in the woods in a matter of seconds. I pushed myself to sprint faster until I reached the river from before. I slumped to the ground, physically and emotionally exhausted. I replayed the conversation.

"We are reborn when there is trouble. We were created by a group of witches a very long time ago to protect this land. Our very first lives we were paired with dragons to fight a battle against a necromancer who had somehow paired with a dragon. He wished to change the way magic was used in the world. He was our reason for existing. And he is back, his name is Victor. He wants to turn the riders to his side to make this possible, and he has already found two of us and turned them" Andrew slowly explained this crazy story.

"You are a part of this group. I am here every time you are reborn to guide and watch over you until you have reached an age that is safe to reveal this to you. Andrew has always been found with you Kaida. You are fated to travel together, which is why as soon as you met we knew where you were. We have been watching silently, protecting you from things you weren't aware of being threats to you. Your survival was key to our plans. We wanted to wait longer to reveal this to you both, but you planned on leaving. Then you were attacked, and Mary couldn't control herself as soon as she saw those men last night." Michael said as if he was explaining the story to a child.

"Then why do I not remember if Andrew does?" I asked softly trying to wrap my mind around this. Andrew was paired with Mary. Apparently they have been married in each life, which is why instinctually Andrew ran from the arranged wedding so long ago.

"We don't know" Mary said quietly, "This has never happened before. You are supposed to meet the one you are paired to and instantly remember. It is the way we work. We are tied to this person for all eternity. Until one day we are never needed again."

"But something happened in our last lives Kaida, I think you are suppressing yourself." Donovan said as he looked lost in thoughts. "I am paired to you, and the last life was different."

"So you are trying to tell me I am fated to be reborn time and time again, to fight evil and save the land? Are you insane?" I growled.

"I know it is crazy Kaida, but trust me." Andrew said as he lightly grabbed my hand in his. My attention shifted to my best friend. He looked so calm, so sure.

I pulled my hand out of his and began to pace, hoping the action would clear my head.

How does this make sense? I am just an elf. I have never had a previous life. I tried to think this through. My breath ragged. Then why do you feel the way you do around Donovan?

A twig snapped behind me, causing me to jump up ready to fight. Slowly Michael walked out of the woods. He looked tired as he walked and sat down next to the tree I was previously against. He pulled out a small flask, and took a long swig. He sighed and looked up at me.

"Kaida, please come sit down" He said while he motioned to the ground next to him. He looked frustrated. He had the look of a man who had done this too many times.

"Michael, how am I supposed to just believe this" I sighed and began to pace again. I tried to calm myself, but my attempts only proved futile.

"You know, I never had a single issue with you and this part of the process in all of your lives. You always made it easier on everyone else. It is hard to adjust like this" Michael contemplated the words as they escaped his mouth.

"I am not some dragon rider. I am just an elf. I would be leaving in ten days if this hadn't happened. I would finally be free of my father." I sighed and slid down the tree to the ground beside him.

"I understand how hard this is for you." He rubbed his hand along his forehead in frustration.

We sat silently for the next hour, just listening to the world around us. The river flowed evenly and quietly through the woods that were buzzing with life. Deer were wandering the woods behind us, grazing slowly on grass. The squirrels in the trees were jumping from branch to branch, causing a slight rustle of the leaves above us. Slowly the reassuring sounds of nature around me calmed my racing heart and jumbled thoughts.

"We should head back" Michael sighed and stood up from the ground. He looked reluctant to leave this moment as much as I was.

"I suppose we should" I said softly, without moving. I didn't want to break this moment. My whole world was just shifted, leaving me with more questions than answers, but in this moment I was nothing more than another piece of nature.

"Michael" Donovan's voice emerged from the woods.

"Yes?" Michael asked and stepped into the woods, after his voice.

"How is she?" He whispered. I could hear the way his heart was beating erratically as Michael took a minute too long to respond. "Michael" he growled impatiently.

"She is confused Donovan. You need to help her. Show her." Michael said slowly emphasizing his last line.

"That's not what is best for her." Donovan sighed and walked away without another word.

"Come along Kaida, your moment has been lost. You need to come eat." Michael said it like a father would.

My stomach growled in response to his words. As he said that is dawned on me that I could not remember the last time I had eaten. I reluctantly stood and followed the dwarf back to the barn, wondering how I ended up in this mess.

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