Chapter 3

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We quickly reached the young boy's home. He squirmed in my arms as soon as his mother had opened the door. It was almost as if she had been expecting us. She smiled wildly at him.

"Matthew, my beautiful baby boy" She cooed as he jumped in her open arms. "I told you never to stay out so long! What happened?"

Just then it seemed like she remembered we were there. Her eyes widened as she took us in. Our clothing was battered and dirty from the long night. I knew we had to look like the exact people she would never want her son around. She stood slowly and backed up a few steps.

"Who are you? She said, fear slipping into her voice as each second passed. Her eyes flickered in what seemed like a moment of recognition.

Andrew put his hands up in hopes of calming her. "Ma'am. My name is Andrew, and this is Kaida. We were living in the town over. We ran into your son last night. There were some men chasing him."

"Chasing him!?" She said overwhelmed, "He is just a child. Why would they be chasing him!?"

"We aren't sure." I said calmly. She finally looked at me for longer than a few seconds and realized I was not human.

"An elf?" She gasped, "I haven't met an elf in over thirty years. What brings you here?"

The look on her face was one of complete disbelief. Many elves chose not to be involved in human life on a regular basis. We generally stuck to ourselves, keeping our decision making far easier.

"Ma'am it has been a very long night for us. Would it be too much to ask for a night of shelter and a warm meal?" I said the words in the most affectionate way I could.

"Please mommy, they saved me" Matthew whispered in her ear.

She contemplated for a moment, looking over our ragged figures again. I knew the internal struggle she was having. It was difficult to invite strangers into your home, let alone one of elvish decent. There was once a time where no one would turn us away. But now, more humans were terrified of us more than anything else.

"Come inside. My name is Emily." She finally replied turning on her heels to her home.

Andrew sighed heavily in response. He was so exhausted I just didn't know what to do. He hadn't been this ragged in a very long time.

"Are you sure you are alright?" I whispered grabbing his arm as we reached the door. "You are seriously starting to worry me. This is not normal for you."

"Later. I told you before." He pulled his arm away softly and followed the woman inside.

I unwillingly followed. Something wasn't right here. I could feel it in my gut. It feels like everything was about to change the moment I stepped inside this barn. That is just ridiculous, it is just a barn. I kept trying to convince myself as I climbed up the stairs to the second floor loft. It is just like every other barn you have seen. I repeated again and again.

No. This is not right!  I couldn't take it anymore. I stopped mid step and went to turn for the door. In the blink of an eye though Matthew was back in front of me.

"Calm down Kaida. It is okay. I know it is. Come lay down and sleep it off" the little boy grabbed my hand, feeling far stronger than he had mere moments ago.

My heart began to pound as I realized that Andrew had disappeared in that short time. I frantically looked around. He had to be here somewhere.

"Drink this dear" His mother said kindly while shoving a tea in my hand.

Everything inside me screamed not to drink it, but I also recognized there was nothing else I could do. Without knowing where Andrew was I couldn't just leave. He would never leave me. I stared down at the cup full of the dark steaming liquid.

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