Chapter 7

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Slowly I began to come to. I felt Donovan's hard scales against my face, and and the steady movement of his muscles as his wings beat beside me. I pushed myself up, careful not to fall. It was dark and everyone was flying together. Mary's yellow scales glowed to the left, and Matthew's brilliant blue scales sparkled to our right.

"Donovan" I whispered through our link.

"Yes..." he said guilt lacing his voice.

"What happened? I have never felt like that before." I said, rubbing my sore chest.

"It won't happen again. Don't worry." He said beating his wings faster, quickly pulling ahead of Mary and Matthew.

I pulled myself up, and moved to his neck. I wrapped my legs tightly against him, and ran my hands softly down his neck.

"Why are you afraid?" I asked, feeling his fear through our bond.

"Why are you not?" He growled. "You know what this means."

"I don't" I whispered, tears filling my eyes at the pain in his voice.

He drew a deep breath and released it ever so slowly as he started to pull higher into the sky. He was silent for what felt like a very long time.

"I am sorry Kaida. It is unusual for me to know things you do not." He said softly.

"Then explain it to me. I hate causing you so much pain.....and yet I still don't understand why your pain hurts me so greatly." I said as tears slowly slipped out of my eyes.

"Please stop crying. I don't think you understand how your pain affects me..." He begged as all his muscles tighten underneath me.

"It's almost daylight, we should land and rest." Michael said from below us.

"I agree" Andrew said as he yawned.

I nodded and looked below us, hoping a clearing would present itself. Luckily, after a few more minutes of flying, a small clearing appeared below us.

"There!" I pointed for everyone to see.

Donovan nodded and lead the descent down. Slowly everyone got settled into the campsite for the night. Mary and Andrew curled up next to a tree, far from the fire. Matthew and Emily fell asleep beside the fire, so close I was a little worried they would end up burnt. Michael sat close to the fire, slowly sharpening his small dagger.

"Come, you should get more rest." Donovan said from behind me. He slowly grabbed my hand, as if I was going to burn his arm off if he touched me.

"I am not tired." I sighed as I followed him into the surrounding woods.

"Then what do you want to do." He said staring at the ground.

I raised my hand to his chin, and gently pulled his face back up so his eyes would meet mine. For a moment they were that brilliant green again, the green I could not pull away from. He leaned towards me slightly, hesitating. My heart started beating crazily in my chest, making it more sore. My attention was completely on him as the rest of the woods seemed to disappear.

"Kaida" He whispered huskily. I nodded at him, my hand resting on his chest as he pulled me closer. "There are things you still do not understand..."

"What does that have to do with this?" I asked slightly angry by his response.

"We can't." He sighed and placed his forehead against mine. "It is not safe for us."

"Then why do I feel safest with you..?" I questioned as I took in the worry lines that marred his beautiful face.

"I can't risk losing you in this life my little dragon...." He said as he pulled me tighter against him.

My vision began to cloud as another memory surfaced.

"Little Dragon, what are you doing?" Donovan laughed as he walked towards me.

"Stop calling me that! It is demeaning! I am a fierce warrior! One of the fiercest to ever walk this realm!" I growled while trying, and failing, to lace the dress Michael talked me into wearing for the ball tonight.

"I mean no disrespect. It's a term of endearment. besides, it's what your name means." He said softly as he took the laces from my hands and slowly began to lace the dress for me. "Besides, you are my little dragon. You are passionate and demanding, but like a little dragon you still need assistance occasionally."

His hand slightly brushed my neck, as he pulled a stray piece of hair into the intricate bun I spent an hour trying to perfect. Sparks shot down my spine, making my knees weak. I felt his hand slide onto my waist, the warmth reaching the center of my being.

"You know this is not what's best for us. It's not safe. You risk too much for me..." I whispered, reveling in the feeling of his touch.

"Yes, but what feels more right than this my love." He whispered, and brushed his nose against my neck.

"We can't." I said pulling away from him reluctantly.

"Kaida?" Donovan asked shaking me slightly.

"I'm sorry." I said softly.

"Did you remember something else?" He asked, his voice full of hope.

"Is this payback for not giving into you?" I asked, tears falling down my face.

"What?" He asked, caught off guard by my change in attitude.

"You were in my shoes before and I turned you down. Is this payback?" I repeated.

"No, oh Kaida, No. I just...." He trailed off.

"Forget it." I said pulling away from him and wiping the tears from my face.

I turned away from him and walked further into the woods, hoping to find some relief for the unexplained splintering of my heart.

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