Rising Warrior

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I raced up one of the abandoned apartment stairs, as I looked desperately for a window or some other opening. I spotted one and rushed over to it, cracking it and listening into the alley for the zombie I was tracking. I heard moaning below and opened the window the rest of the way and climbed onto the windowsill, looking down into the alley below.

Laughing profusely, I watched with my now narrowed cat-like eyes as another of the students I was sent to rescue tried to be the hero of the situation and attack a zombie with a piece of mangled pipe. Easily, the zombie grabbed the pipe, suspending it to the air as the child, whose eyes were wide with absolute terror, raised his arms towards the sky. The zombie's grin was full of malice as he snarled and bit into the poor boy's neck, eating away at it like its the last meal it'd ever get. Muscles cracked and bones shattered as the pressure of the zombie's lock-jaw clasped onto his throat again and again, crushing vital arteries and possibly even his trachea.. I gulped, trying to gather my thoughts enough to carry out the plan I had visualized in my mind. Then, with a quickness I didn't think I possessed, I pounced like a cat off the abandoned apartment window sill and landed squarely on the zombie's faltering shoulders, whose mind wasn't occupied by me. I grasped the zombie's bottom jaw with my nimble hands and gave it a sharp, fierce yank. Decayed muscle and flesh tore from the zombie's body as I held up its head in victory. The other students in the corner of the alley stared at the mangled head in wonder and fear. Before turning their gazes to me and cheering. I only stared hardly at them in response and explained with a serious voice. "I am Thespia, leader of The Renegade. If you wish to live you will come with me. If your stupid enough to think you will survive out her alone, then stay. I could care less." I turned on my boot's heel and began walking stiffly back to the secure camp outside of town. Vaguely, I heard shuffling of multiple pairs of feet and only glanced at them over my shoulder before turning and continuing on my way.

My name is Thespia, I am the leader of the renegade. We.. are the humans who survived the Awakening..

Rising WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now