Chapter 4

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Hello. School's almost out. Hopefully my updates will be more fluent by that time. Forgive me for making you wait.

  I awake to the usual hustle and bustle of our little makeshift village, but instead of casual chatter I hear always circulating throughout it, I hear screaming and yelling. Jumping out of my bed, I quickly grab the nearest available weapon. A pistol, and running outside. I look around, hearing the screaming coming from the medical bay, when I hear an obnoxiously familiar feminine voice. "You disgusting emo kid! How dare you sleep in the same room as us! You could have contaminated us with...with your sick self!" Now by this point I had heard enough and ran faster than ever into the tent and got right in her face. "Listen here you obnoxious little whore. No one here is contaminated, no one here is better than anyone. But no. You think your such a pretty girl that you think you have the right to be welcomed into our clan and try and run the place. Well, I got news for you you little bitch. You are on my turf now, I run this clan. You will shut the fuck up before I decide to kill you right here in front of your supposed "boyfriend."" I pause and make air quotes with my fingers. "I bet you that he would love to finally be away from such a self- centered whore such as yourself." I cross my arms and sneer at her, growling at one of the nurses. "This one will not be eating today. She will be running laps. Give her food to the others." The nurse nods shakily, rushing off to the back. I turn my glare back to the girl. "You will be punished for saying such things here. Your current punishment is a mere morsal of what I can do. Believe me, much worse has happened to others who are as obnoxious as you." I snort at her, stalking out.

  As I walked back toward my tent, I hear light footsteps and a accented voice sound out from behind me. "You didn't have to defend me you know. I can defend myself." I stop walking a stare ahead for a moment before scoffing. "I wasn't defending you. I was simply tired of hearing her slutty whining from all the way inside my tent." I hear Franny chuckle lightly behind me. "We all do at some point." At that point I hear the light barely there footsteps walking away, and I smirk to myself, shaking my head as I started walking again. "That boy..." I say to myself. Walking into my tent and climbing back into bed to hopefully catch a few more hours of sleep before training...


  Someone was shaking me, and if they didn't stop shaking my shoulder they were going to get punched in the face. I growled groggily at them, rolling over and...falling onto the ground. I groan in pain, landing hard on my shoulder. "Oh fuck..." I grunt, rolling off the shoulder and onto my back, staring up at my living disturbance.

  "What the hell Isaac?" I growl, glaring daggers at him. He just blinks and chuckles at me, grinning like an idiot. "Sorry boss, but it's about time you need to get up. We've let you sleep past your session to train the rookies. I subbed for you so you don't have to worry until tomorrow. But it's getting a little to late for you to sleep." I stare up at him, shakily standing and brushing myself off. Growling I tell him, "Excellent, but next time...Let me fucking sleep!" His hands go up in surrender, backing away slightly before turning tail and rushing out of the tent. I chuckle slightly, smirking, before slowly walking out of my tent.

   I bring my hand up to my eyes, shielding them from the sun and take a slow look around the area...

  Everyone was doing the usual, unsurprisingly. Life was pretty simple, or so according to my observations. Eat, and survive. That was usually it, but it isn't surprising when I am informed a few of our survivors or teammates have "hooked up." It's so simple for us humans to display our affection for another, to simple. Which is why I have shut myself off from anyone and everyone.

   I wandered aimlessly for a few hours, going around and talking to citizens and survivors. My conscience soon pulling me away from the wonders of being social and back to my tent. Where frustratingly, I soon fell asleep once again.

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