Chapter 1

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Last chapter was the prologue in case you guys were wondering..

  The Awakening was the worst time, as I can recall. It was maybe 6 months to a year ago? I don't remember as I do not bother to keep track. But the cause of The Awakening was most likely seared into my brain to be forever remembered, forever haunting...

  I guess you could say it all started as a regular day for everyone. Except there was quite a buzz going around about a model of a gas powered car. Not a oil-powered one, mind you. But one that ran on the Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. Thing is though it would mix in with this nasty poisonous chemical when burned, no one knows why that chemical was used in the vehicle, and I do not believe anyone will ever find out. Anyways, they were doing a test run on a blocked highway when all of the sudden it just explodes. No one knows why, the scientists thought it was safe for a test drive, heck, there was a segment on the news about the whole thing. But it just explodes, and guess where all that carbon dioxide and chemical mix goes? Into the freaking atmosphere, making it unsafe for us to breathe. Not long after the explosion, some of the scientists who invented the vehicle had a shot you would be given that makes you capable of breathing in the atmosphere...That backfired majorly as well...Most, if not all who were given the shot became the decayed undead creatures called zombies. At first, millions died or were turned into zombies by the new foes. The Renegade, our designation, are the remainder of humans who have survived the multiple attacks and the contamination of the atmosphere. The mixture of the atmosphere was actually not that much but the scientists did not know of the percentage that had been put into the atmosphere, so they proceeded. Even though the mixture is gone and the atmosphere is safe to breath again. The zombies are still here, and we are still hanging onto the cliff of survival.

   This is all I know, now lets get back to the present shall we?

*(Present) Time Skip 2 weeks*

I looked at the eager rookies surrounding me, staring at me in anticipation for their first training session. 'Remember daughter, it's always the ones who never think before acting who will die first.' The last words my father spoke to me before he died. Very wise words that old man would always say to me, nothing else. Remembering all the things he would tell me makes me smirk. Crazy old coot. I knew which ones would die first, the arrogant ones surely, and then whoever else I will be able to pick out from today's test.

  "Alright Nerds, today will be your first day of training with me. Your other teachers have hopefully taught you well because everything you are tested on today will determine if you are dog meat, or part of Segment 1. Am I understood?" Everyone nods quickly, a few murmuring a "yes ma'am" around. Dog meat, are our patrollers of a certain area. They are able to determine if their are any survivors or zombies in that area. If zombies, they clear them out, if survivors, then Segment 1 comes in. It is our job, me and the rest of the squad, to get the survivors to safety.

"Alright, now, go to your respected area of training, or your skill area as your teachers might've called it. Go!" Everyone shuffled quickly away when I barked the order. Some striding confidently away to their area and some with submissive postures, but with no fear of me reigning within them whatsoever. I grin evilly at this. I will enjoy breaking them all.

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