Chapter 3

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We advanced through the halls, checking every room for any extra survivors. As we checked the last room, I slowed considerably, partially from exhaustion, and partially from assuming there were no survivors. Which was disappointing, I was hoping there would be more than 8. But that doesn't matter, any survivors are considered an incredible feat, and making sure they are healthy and uninjured is a greater one.

I cautiously open the door to the last room, peering inside before stepping inside completely. I give a calm exhausted "Hello?" before falling silent. No response. I turn around to leave when a sudden heavy weight lands on my shoulders, the air escaping my lungs as I hit the ground. Moaning resounds in my ears and I immediately froze...zombie. I hear Isaac and Ben walk into the doorway and one of them immediately launches themselves at the zombie. The weight on my shoulders disappears, and I lift my head and look to my right and left. I recognize Isaac on top of the zombie, with a knife clutching at its throat. "" I rasp out. Struggling to keep my eyes open. Isaac nods without looking up, and cuts straight through its throat, leaving the head detached from its body, the scent of decay lurching up from the dead corpse and running rampant throughout the room. I groan at the stronger than before scent, my head collapsing on the ground, trying desperately to get the sudden headache to dim. Two of my teammembers help me to my feet. I try to push them off of me, but as soon as I try to put my full weight on my legs, my legs immediately collapse under my weight. They grasp under my arms before I can hit the ground and put my arms over their shoulders, supporting me. I grunt in response, pain searing through my shoulders, abdomen, and legs. I look at my portion of the team, them looking on at me with worry reigning their expressions. I smirk at them, trying to insure them that I was alright, going slack against them and letting them lead me throughout the corridoors and out the entrance of the school. Stumbling, I struggle to walk and keep pace with my supporters. "Don't worry boss, we got ya', so just relax and let us do all the work for once." I growl in defeat and go slack once again, knowing that once Isaac sets his mind to something, he won't leave you alone until he can prove himself that he is worthy to you or has at least made a point. Trust me, I know from experience. Feeling my eyes droop slowly, I shake my head to keep myself awake. This is what you get for staying up late to finish those files... My conscience says, taunting me. I growl warningly in my head back, telling it to shut the fuck up before I did fall asleep and have very violent dreams of killing my conscience over and over with a spoon. It shuts her up for now, knowing that I could perfectly well make my threats a reality. I have a feeling that she will be back though, waiting for a perfectly good chance to get under my skin and taunt my ass. Deciding that maybe I should get some sleep, I let my eyes droop downward completely and fall into the deepest slumber I haven't had for two days.


"Boss, boss wake up." Isaac calls, shaking my shoulder lightly. I slap his hand away and roll over, groaning. I hear a chuckle and an unfortunately familiar Spanish accent "Is she always this lazy?" I growl and roll back over onto my back, directing my words toward him without opening my eyes. "No, but I can also whoop ya ass if I so chose without even opening my eyes." I hear him scoff as if in disagreement, but says nothing more and I chuckle. "Suck it." I open up my eyes and pick myself up off the ground, rubbing at my eyes. "Isaac, how long have I been out?" I turns to him, seeing a hesitancy to answer my query. "Sir...You were out for almost half the day..."  My eyes widen in surprise "Well damn." I say, chuckling. "I guess that's what I get for letting my guard down and letting that zombie tackle the shit out of me." Everyone shares frightened glances, before laughing with me. "You are taking this surprisingly well." The hispanic boy says to me. I turn and give him a sickly sweet grin. "It has happened to me before, I'm not as stoic as you believe me to be....By the way, what is your name?" He seems hesitant to answer my question, but tells me nonetheless. "Just call me Franny." I stare at him skeptically, before nodding in understanding. "Alright team. Let's finish up whatever you haven't accomplished yet and then everyone can retire to your tents for the night." Everyone nods at my order, walking off to finish whatever they had too. I start walking toward my office tent when Franny calls to me. "Where am I supposed to sleep?" I turn around and think for a moment. "Sleep in the medical bay, your friends might need help comprehending everything or might need some comfort when they awake." Franny mumbles, thinking I wouldn't hear. "They aren't my friends." Before stalking off. I roll my eyes, before walking off to my tent and going to sleep.

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