Chapter 18-*Filler part 4* Arriving

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I do not own Naruto

My eyes traveled behind the two ninjas, luckily they didn't notice where I was glancing. A small smirk formed onto my face, the female sneered at me, "What are you smirking at?"

I tilted my head, "What am I smirking at?" A slow chuckle formed, "Why don't you two look behind you?"

Confused the two went to look behind, but two of my clones had already attacked them. Startled, their grip on the both girls loosened, I lunged forward catching Akiko. Konohamaru went for the male ninja and grabbed Akami from the ninja. I set the brown haired girl behind me, pulling a kunai as my clones disappeared.

The male looked at me bewildered, this only caused me to smile and giggle. "Now, let's fight like real ninja's."

I lunged again for the male, he pulled a kantana. I ducked under his kantana as he swung it, my leg stretched out. Hooking my foot around his ankle I pulled, knocking him off his feet.

"Konohamaru, Akami, you two take the other ninja! Moegi, Udon, you two guard Akiko!" I ordered, they all nodded.


"No sweat!"

The female laughed, "You think two snot nosed genin can take me on?"

I smirked, "No I don't think, I know. These two aren't just your normal genin."

"No need to worry, Yuki-chan! We'll take care of this lady in no time!" Akami shouted, performing handsigns. "Fire release: Fire breath!" She took in a deep breath then exhaled a line of bright fire. The woman's eyes widened as she went to dodge, only to have Konohamaru running for her, a clone beside him.

Knowing they were fine I looked back at my opponent. The man was finally standing up, my eyes looked closer to his eyes, which turned into a green. Almost like it was glowing, like when I did my medical ninjutsu.

"You won't be able to harm me." He murmered, a smile forming onto his face. "Tell me kid, what's your name?"

My kunai drawn I smirked at him, "I'm Yuki Okami, or as I've set myself to be know as, Konoha's Crystal Wolf."

He only smirked, "Okami, huh?"

"Don't you think that's enough talk?" Not waiting for a answer I ran for him. My hands performed quick handsigns, "Crystal release: Crystal dragon!" From under me a pink crystal dragon formed, the dragon lunged for the man.

He seemed to add chakra into his kantana, which grew in size as blue chakra formed into it. Quickly I flipped off my dragon as he slashed the air with the chakra infused kantana, which was about the size of Zabuza's sword. The direction he slashed in sent a force of air, which cut through my crystal dragon.

He tried to catch his breath, his eyes still had the tint of medical healing. Taking his tiredness to my advantage I ran for him again, two marked kunai's at his feet already. Throwing a kunai in the air I released on of the kunai's at his feet. Swinging my leg up, I kicked him in the face. My kick was strong enough to sent him in the air.

Releasing the kunai I had thrown in the air, I appeared above the man. Grabbing the kunai I lunged it for his stomach. Too shocked he wasn't able to block my attack. After stabbing him I flipped in air and kicked him towards the ground.

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