Chapter 40- Their intentions

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I do not own Naruto

"For now, the best thing would be to retreat." Kakashi muttered.

I clenched my teeth, keeping quiet. "But that means we'd be letting the bastards get away!" Naruto shouted.

"Yeah. If we take our eyes off of them for now, they might slip up." Kakashi explained.

"We went through nothing but trouble trying to find them. If we let them get away now, I'm not sure we'd be able to find them again." Kiba said.

"Then, here's what we'll do. In terms of strength, we'll split into two teams." Kakashi explained. "Sai and Sakura will be on standby here, waiting for Hinata to recover. The others will form a pursuit team"

I nodded and stood up. "It's possible the enemy erased their send while fleeing. Even for Akamari, or any of your wolf's, Yuki, it may be impossible to track them."

"They seem to be very careful." Yamato noted. "Yuki did a good job on finding you guys earlier when she was in sage mode."

I nodded, "Maybe I can try it again."

"If that dosen't work, maybe we can make use of their observation bats. However, if we get too close to the bats, they'll be the ones finding us. That's why we'll have to move quietly." Kakashi explained.

Naruto sighed, "That's a much bigger pain than having Yuki-chan just go into Sage Mode, but it may have to be done."

I sighed, my eyes closing as I shook my head. "You think it's a pain, but having to go into Sage Mode multipul times a day can be a pain to me. You'll get it when you have to sit still for five minutes and concentrate, then have to search for enemies chakra."

"That's not all, Naruto, Yuki. We'll also need your ability, Yuki, as a crystal user you seem to be able to break through crystal. While I may know some things about fighting a crystal user because of you, Yuki, and training with Mai sensei I still don't know enough to fight a enemy." Kakashi looked at us. "If we find them, don't do anything. Our prime mission is to uncover their plans."

"Roger." Everyone nodded.

"I guess we'll be going home then." Gamatasu said to Naruto.

Naruto smiled back at them, "Yeah, I'll be counting on you guys."

"I guess I'll return too, Kakashi." Pakun looked at Kakashi.

"Well then, Pakun, thanks for your help." Kakashi glanced at his summoning dog.

Once the summoning had gone away Kakashi looked at us. "I guess it's time to head out as well. Yuki, I'll give you a couple minutes to get into sage mode."

I ran beside Naruto, Kiba, and Akamaru. My eyes narrowed as I still searched for the enemies location. "Damn it! We shouldn't have taken our eyes off them, even if it was just a second!" Kiba growled. "Now we have to search for them all over again!"

"Yuki, are you getting anything?" Kakashi asked.

"Not yet," I muttered. We came to a stop while Shino explained a plan about the bats. I ignored everyone talking as I continued to search for the their chakra.

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