Chapter 24- Desperate attempt for a kiss

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I do not own naruto

I arrived just in time to see Naruto's fist hit Sora's fist. I sighed, but stayed hidden. 'I guess I didn't get here in time to stop him...'

"What happened back at the temple?" Naruto asked.

"You disgust me." Sora growled, my hand tightened into a fist.

Naruto looked down a sad smile on his face. "Yeah, that's how people thought of me when I was a kid. Same for you, right?"

"So what?! So what..." He pulled back his fist. "Yes, I disgust them! But I don't give a rat's ass about them. I disgust myself!" Sora shouted. "That's right, I hate my powers."

My eyes softened as I listened, the two still unaware of me. "But even so, I can't simply rid myself of them. I need them to get revenge for my father's death... to kill his murderer."

'Revenge?' I shook my head running out. First I hugged Naruto, who was shocked.

"Yuki-chan, what's wrong?" He asked.

I shook my head more. "You're wrong, Naruto-kun! I wasn't disgusted by you, nor were my parents!" I shouted. He looked down at me shocked, "You never disgusted us, understand me?" I demanded, slowly he nodded.

Releasing him I looked at Sora. "You, I'm going to tell you this right now. You don't disgust me, and you shouldn't be disgusted by yourself. Don't listen, or let what those monks say or do make you hate yourself. I know for sure Chiriku cares about you, and don't hate your powers, that's what makes you you."

He looked at me shocked, before looking at the sky, where a owl was flying. "It's momo Midori. Did something happen at a tomb?!"

My eyes widened, "Dad!"

Sora looked at me oddly, "Dad?"

"That may be my Dad's tomb." I answered as I started to run out, Naruto and Sora behind me.

"Naruto, Yuki, where were you two?!?" Sakura demanded looking at us both.

"Sorry." Naruto apologised for the both of us.

"There is a report from the people that went to Teno's tomb." I stepped up, looking up at Yamato. "The tomb had been broken into, and the corpse was removed."

"What!" I demanded.

"At this rate, the other two will be..." Chiriku trailed off.

"We're ready to move. Lets go." Yamato said.

"I'm coming too!" Sora demanded,

"Good." Chiriku nodded.

Naruto grinned and tightened his headband, "Yosh! Time to bead the crap out of those grave robbers! I won't let them get away with Yuki-chan's father."

"They will be sorry they ever took my father." I growled.

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