Chapter Fifteen - Drag Me Down

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*****Harry's POV*****

It's been three weeks since I found out about my kidney, it's been painful but with Louis help I got through it. Since I've been advised to not do anything that can cause stress, I haven't really gone out much. Louis found other ways to spend our time inside the house.


We spent at least a whole week doing it, after his classes he would come over and we would write songs. He helped me with my video to my viewers telling then what was going on, wouldn't want them to worry about little old me. I didn't tell them much just that I've become ill and that after my surgery I should be fine. I've gotten all sorts of tweets and messages wishing me well, it's so nice to have people from all over care.

It's Thursday, Louis last class for the term is today, then he has two weeks off. I have some great news to tell him! He's on his was now and I can barely contain my excitement.


I reach for my phone and as I expected its Louis. At your front door :) x I grin big, dimples showing and get up from my bed to head downstairs in just boxers and a t-shirt. The smile stays on my face as I open the door and throw myself into Louis' arms.

"Hey!" Is all I manage to get out before I kiss him as hard and I can and try to put all my excitement in it. As we pull back I'm still smiling. He looks into my eyes confused, yet still smiles at me as I pull him inside and upstairs.

"W-what was all t-that about?" Louis asks as soon as were sat comfortable on my bed, cross legged and facing each other.

"I have good news," I start, "Great news even... They've found me a donor, they found me a kidney!" I almost scream in his face. I don't wait for him to reply before I charge forward again and encase him in my arms.

"That's great Harry!" He says back excitedly and squeezes me tighter in our embrace. He pulls back slowly and places his hands on either side of my face. He gazes into my eyes and I can see the happiness that I feel reflected in his eyes and the crinkles by them as he smiles at me like the sun. He leans forward slowly, eyes glancing at my lips and back up several times, before I place my hand on the nape of his neck and pull him to me closing my eyes as our lips finally meet.

It starts off slow and innocent as our kisses normally do but the mood changes as soon as Louis' hands travel from my face to my hair as mine move down his body. "I Love you." I whisper as I move my lips to his neck in order to take a breath. Louis moved forwards, wrapping his one arm around my neck, the other still in my hair tugging lightly. He tips his head back to give me better access and he whispers I love you back. My hands travel farther as I grab his hips and gently pulled our bodies closer together, Louis bites his lip to keep from making any noise. Heat radiated between us.

For a moment we stayed like that lips finding each other's again. I squeeze my body against his trying to get us closer as if it was possible for us to be closer than we are. His fingers continue to trace their way through the back of my hair while mine explore his godly curves and thighs. "I-I Want Y-you." Louis gasps out as his lips move to my neck sucking and biting sweetly. I tense for a second and pull his face to where I can look into his eyes. The blue almost gone as his pupils dilate with lust, I nod as I hold his gaze he lets out a small sigh of relief, as if he thinks I could say no to him.

Louis' hands move shakily to the hem of my shirt. I place sweet kisses all to his face as my hands cover his, we work together to pull my shirt over my head. Once my t-shirt is lying on the floor, Louis' hands, still shaking, move to my chest. He chases my lips as his hands roam lightly touching the skin."Hey, hey, Lou" I try to get his attention to help calm the shaking of his hands. "Look at me," He complies and our eyes meet. "You're okay, this is okay, don't be nervous. I- I want you too okay. We're on the same page here yeh?" I ask and he nods frantically the shaking subsiding some.

As my hands move to his t-shirt, he pulls back slightly. "I- I - You c-cant s-see me. I-I'm g-ross." I'm instantly shaking my head, finding his eyes again, I kiss his lips sweetly. I keep our eyes locked as I remove him from his shirt. As soon as it's thrown aside his hands leave my body to cover his. I lie us down so I'm hovering above him. As I push his hands from his body I replace them with my lips. I kiss every inch of his torso.

"You're beautiful!" I whisper against his tan skin. "Beautiful, absolutely gorgeous!" With each kiss down his torso my hands move to undo his jeans and slide them down his thighs. I smile against his skin as I move back up to his face capturing his lips with mine. This seems to boost his confidence slightly as his hands move to pull my boxers down from my hips as I do the same with his.

* * *

I'm still smiling when Louis and I exit the bathroom, wrapped in towels and each other. "Here." I say sweetly as I throw a pair of underwear and a t-shirt towards him as I grab my own. I drop my towel and change standing in the centre of my room. I feel Louis' eyes on my back and I smile to myself.

"I've got a song." Louis blurts and then he looks shyly to the floor, fiddling with the end of his t-shirt around his thighs. "I-I mean. F-for the good news, we could d-do it f-or a video." He moves his eyes to my face as he finishes.

"Sure." I reply with a smile as I walk towards him and pull him into a kiss. He melts in my embrace and smiles into the kiss. I retreat with a peck to his lips then both cheeks. I turn to my closet and get the equipment. I set it up as quick as can while we discuss what we are to sing. We decide on one of the new ones we wrote together.

*****Louis' POV*****

###Louis' Video Ft. Harry###

"H-hey, erm t-this is for some g-good news, that er, has us f-feeling g-good" I say with a small laugh and smile. I look from Harry to the camera as he stars down at the guitar and starts strumming.

  I've got fire for a heart
I'm not scared of the dark
You've never seen it look so easy
I got a river for a soul
And baby you're a boat
Baby you're my only reason

Harry sings the first verse beautifully; I keep glancing at him throughout. He catches my gaze sometimes when he looks up from the guitar.

If I didn't have you there would be nothing left
The shell of a man who could never be his best
If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun
You taught me how to be someone, yeah

I take the next part trying to put as much as emotion as I can. I look toward the camera and stare at Harry in the cameras view finder.

  All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down (x2)

Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

We share the chorus and repeat the first two verses' exchanging who does which part.

  Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

On the last chorus Harry does some mad ad-lib riffs as I sing the melody. We finish looking into each other's eyes before we smile one last time towards the camera. I get up from Harry's bed and switch the recording of the camera off.

###End of the video###

I walk back towards Harry as he puts the guitar down in its stand next to the bed. I straddle his lap, still with a smile on my face and bring his lips to mine.

"Nothing and nobody can drag you down Harry!" I manage to get out without a single stutter. It's always this way after spending long amounts of time with Harry. And it makes me happy, it makes me Strong!

"Nothing." Harry replies as he smiles and attaches his lips to mine again for a chaste kiss. "Nothing!" He repeats.


A/n: Phew. Hey its been way too long :/ Oopsy! But Chapter 15 is finally here!! Sorry for any mistakes with tenses and such. Also for no smut ahahahe don't know how to write it so this is as far as I could go ahah :D Hope you enjoy! Vote and comment :) BYE XOXOXxoxoxoxox

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