Chapter Eight - SleepOver!

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*****Louis POV*****

Last week at Harry's was fun! That's something I haven't had in a while, along with a friend. He has an amazing voice! I mean WOAH! I'll never be that good, I can only dream I guess. I'm sitting on my bed, alone with all the lights off. I have my laptop on in front of me. I look at the thumbnail of the video I did with Harry, there are a lot of views. But people are probably watching it just to make fun of me. I've been avoiding looking at it all week.

I try and shake the negative thoughts from my mine so I can attempt to read some of the comments. Harry suggested that it's good to check for feedback, as it can make you feel good that people are enjoying what you've done. And any bad ones, to just ignore them, because they don't matter. That's easier said than done, especially for me.

I finally make myself click on the video, dreading it while I waiting for it to load. The screen loads and just before I see myself start to talk I quickly click pause, so I don't have to hear how terrible I sound, and scroll down to the comments. 

The first couple in the list are positive, though I don't agree with what they say. 'You have a gorgeous voice, matches your face :P' Pfft Yeah right! I continue scrolling down nodding at the comments that contain nothing but lies, which I start to notice is most of them! Finally I come across one I can agree with. ' WOW that was horrible! why'd you film yourself if you looked like that gross!!' At least this person knew what they are talking about, although

 I agreed with him it made me feel terrible and sick to my stomach!

I quickly shut the lid of my laptop down and stare at it as tears start to form in my eyes. Why'd I think this was a good idea? I bet all Harry's viewers are hating on him now because of me. My phone flashes, catching my attention. I grab it from where is was sitting next to my laptop. I check the caller ID to see that it's Harry. I almost smile, almost. 

"H-hello?" I answer cursing mentally for stuttering.

"Hey Lou, I was calling to see if you've checked how well your video's doing? People are loving it, You must feel great, right?" Harry questions brightly on the other end. How can someone be so happy all the time. Honestly that boy is something else. And not just very attractive, wait what?! I realised I haven't answered and shake my head of those thoughts.

"Erm s-sure y-yeah course." I try to sound positive, he hums in response and I can tell he saw right though it.I sigh loudly and continue to speak. "T-there all, all l-lies though. I'm h-horrible!"

"Hey, don't say that you're amazing honestly! So I was thinking, we could start working on part 2 of my genius mission? You know how you with your doubts and break out of that shell. What do you say? We haven't seen each other in a week." He sounds hopeful, that I'll agree.

I shrug and then realise he can't see me. "I g-guess, w-when?"

"How about tomorrow, it's a Saturday so should be no problem? Maybe we could even do another video, you can pick the song we do?"  I wipe my eyes to ensure my tears from earlier are gone and reply with a yes. We arrange a time and then hang up.

I quickly make my way to the wardrobe to pick out an outfit. Don't want Harry,s thinking I'm a scrub do I? Wait why do I care? I know he probably thinks it already. I shrug and continue through my clothes. I pick out a black top with white sleeves and some black skinny jeans. I lay them aside and go to the bathroom for a shower.

When I exit the bathroom I make sure to switch the light back off. I check the time to see it's half nine, so I decide to go to bed. I get under the covers and snuggle it under my chin, sigh and close my eyes. I drift off, thinking of how perfect Harry really is.

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