Chapter Six - Meeting

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*****Louis' POV*****

After my conversation with Harry, I did some extreme thinking. Which probably isn't the best thing to do! But out of it came my decision that I will go and meet him at Starbucks tomorrow, after my day of classes. And I'm freaking out! I don't do good at being out in public except for college really, and so this is terrifying. How am I supposed to talk to him face to face? I mean I can barely speak to my family without making myself sound stupid!

Before I overthink even more, I decide to head to bed. I pad to my closet and prepare what I'm going to wear tomorrow. I mean I'm not trying to impress or anything. No. I just don't want to look a mess and have Harry think I'm gross and ugly!

I search through my clothes for a while. After a few minutes I lay out a white shirt, with long black sleeves and a graphic on the front, along with a pair of black skinny jeans and vans. That should do, they don't make me look too bad.

I turn away from my closet and head to the bathroom to complete my nightly routine. Shower, teeth, then put on a pair of black boxers. Heading out of the bathroom, I flick off the light. I then go to my living room and kitchen checking everything is switched off. Wouldn't want stuff blowing up while I'm asleep now would I? I make it back to my room and turn of the light hopping in to bed wrapping the cover round myself tightly and closing my eyes.

I lay there for a while facing the ceiling, before I feel myself drifting and sleep takes me.

####Next Day After Classes####

My last class just finished and as I make my way out of the building I receive a text from Harry reminding me about our plans. Like I could forget! - I've been freaking out all day! Could barely concentrate in class. - it reads

From Harry - don't forget Starbucks at 4pm - H xx & ps. I hope you show :)

I smile at my phone and reply with a simple -Okay -L

I hit the lock button on my phone and make my way to my car, it's not fancy, but it gets my where I need.

I get in, clipping my seatbelt and begin the 15 minutes to Starbucks. The whole time taking deep breaths, and trying not to think of anything but driving. Making sure to stop at red lights and not run anyone over!

I arrive at the Starbucks at 3:55, I made sure I'm early. I hate being late to anything, it makes me nervous. And then I start to worry and, well, it doesn't go well!

Walking in the door I glance around quickly. I don't see Harry and I start to panic. My heart accelerates and my hands start to sweat. I manage to clam down reminding myself that I'm early he still has five minutes! So I walk up to the counter and order. Which I dread as it involves talking to someone that's not my mum or my sisters.

The girl behind the counter is pretty, but she reminds me too much of this girl Eleanor that used to bully me back home. I shiver as she looks up at me and gives me a fake, too sweet smile.

"What can I get you?" She asks with forced enthusiasm and her face starting to crinkle as the smile widens.

"Erm...I-I'll have a, err, l-large R-Red Berry Yogurt Frap-Frappuccino pl-please." I finish, cursing myself mentally for stuttering do much. As I smile as a frown forms on her face as well as a look of impatience, for my taking so long to order.

The smile quickly reforms however as she continues. "Anything else?"

"N-no thank y-you" I reply as quick as I can so she doesn't get angry at me, last thing I need is another person, specially someone that doesn't know me, hate me!


"Louis T" I say, with a triumphant smile as I manage not to stutter.

"That'll be £3.95 please." She finishes. Finally I can stop speaking and making myself look like an idiot. I hand her a five pound note and wait patently for the change and my drink.

I am snapped out of my thoughts a minute later by my name being called. I take my drink and now I'm searching for a table way at the back and out the way of too many people, to wait for Harry. I find one and sit.


At 4pm on the dot I look up and see Harry freakin' Styles walking through the door. He goes up to the counter to order. As soon as he has his drink is in hand he starts to look around with a hopeful look on his face.

He's strolling in my direction, not seeing me yet, so I quickly look down again. But now I have to sneeze, which means he'll look over and I'll actually have to talk to him, and try not to make him hate me.

As soon as I look up from my sneeze Harry is sitting in the seat across from me. And OH MY GOD! He looks soo much better in person!

I start to shake and I bite my bottom lip to stop it from trembling as he judges me with his eyes. He reaches across the table, to shake my hand I'm guessing. He ends up spilling his drink on himself, as he hadn't placed it down yet. Well at least it wasn't me, I wouldn't be able to cope with the embarrassment.

My eyes go wide as I stare towards his lap, where his drink spilt. Reaching my hand towards his still outstretched one I murmur a quiet,


"Hi!" He says back, - our hands finally meeting - with a light blush dancing on his cheeks.

I shake my head to clear my mind and look up from his lap, where I realise I'm still staring, so I can reply with a coherent sentence. The first thing that comes out however is not what I wanted to say out loud. "Why are you here?" I immediately retrieve my hand and slap it over my mouth as my other covers my face. I blush and curse myself for being so stupid. I always mess thing up! What is wrong with me? I think in my head.

I'm snapped out of it by Harry politely clearing his throat. I look up to see him smiling sadly at me. "I'm here because I want to be and I want to help, I told you I would be here didn't I?" He questions whipping his lap with some napkins that where already On the table.

" I just, I-I didn't think you were s-s-serious!" I admit looking into his beautiful jade green eyes.

At this his smile turns to a frown "Well I am, I'm serious about wanting to help, also I want to be your friend. Someone you can rely on and talk to about anything! I'm here okay?" I nodd at him and look down at my drink and sip through the straw. "So," he continues "let's get started!" He finishes with a excited tone and hopeful expression.

I smile the best I can through all the nerves and thoughts in my mind, here we go!


A/N: I hope you enjoy this new chapter!! I actually planned this out before typing it up, hopefully the tenses don't mix up too much! :/ also sorry for any mistakes I suck at self editing!

Let me know what you think! So comment, vote and all that :) Soooo I'll talk to you all next time :) BYE!!XXXXX

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