Nightmare, Pain and ... A Quest?

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Percy's Nightmare

Percy woke up, or he thought he did, it didn't really look like he had, or it was still nighttime and was really dark. 'Hello? Anyone there?' His smooth voice echoed off of the walls of darkness. That answered his question, maybe it was a dream that was creeping the hell out of him. He didn't know where he was, he was surrounded in complete darkness and could barely see more than 4ft in front of him. He had never really been a big fan of darkness nor being alone, and currently, he was in both situations.
'Hello, young Perseus' a deep scratchy but some how alluring voice gratefully (to him) answered the young lad. It had sounded as though he was speaking for the first time, well in percy's opinion it did. Unfortunately though, he could not see the speaker for he was hidden in the dark endless void. The rusty voice came from several directions, mixing up Percy's coordinates resulting in him finding no sign of life.

Everything was dead silent, but from time to time if you listened closely, you could hear the rigid breathing, low quiet huffs and little hesitant shuffles, the owner of the sounds was shaking the uncontrollable fear as he tried to find and exit or beginning to the creepy, seemingly haunted place.

Percy hadn't noticed that he had come to a halt, but something that he did notice brang a terrifying realisation that rampaged in his mind. He had stopped moving, but the heavy footsteps that he had thought were his -but was proven wrong- had not. His mind shouted at him to run but his limbs were frozen like someone had stuck him in an overgrown popsicle, the heavy footsteps and light grunts were closing in on his motionless body but he couldn't move.

His body was paralyzed while what could be danger came his way. The sound came to a halt, but this made him even more frightened as his body kept shaking from the fear that was stopping his ability to walk.
He let out a shriek as a rough hand clamped down on his shoulder, he felt cold breath on his neck that shot shivers down his spine.

'Join me Perseus, come to my side, I see potential in you, especially a child of the big three' a rough voice whispered to him, even though he knew it was behind him, it came from all directions of the endless darkness.

What did he mean by child of the big three? Wasn't the big three Zeus, Hades and Poseidon, but he was a child of artemis, wasn't he? He thought while shaking, he was petrified, but when the hand went to go for his throat, that got his paralysed body to move. Running, the air felt like it was pushing him back, though he felt no wind. A loud crackle was heard, percy wondered what that sound was as it made him shiver.

'You think you can run away from me? No one can, you're in my world now! Come join me, you know they cannot win, if you reject, I will haunt your dreams like I do with the others, you will go insane! You will die with the others as their blood flows down the streets of New York' the voice echoed, traveling far throughout the endless void.

Percy just ran faster, the wind was picking up. Whoever this man was, he wasn't going to win, we would win, even if it meant deaths were coming. His back ached and his mind was saw as he kept thinking of all the things that were happening. Who was this dude? Why does he want me to join him? Why aren't I awake yet? Wouldn't the others notice? Percy was scared would an understatement, percy was fucking petrified!

'Get out of my dream you grumpy old hag! I will not betray my mother! I will never betray her family and my family! So just give up and let me leave!' He shouted. A rumbling laugh which sounded like a rocky Avalanche as it tumbled down a mountain side – was all he got for an answer. His legs ached as he ran further, the air got colder, he saw less and less in front of himself till at one point, he couldn't see at all.

'~You better slow doooowwwwn, or your going to faaallllll~' his once rough voice was now smooth and soft, alluring him to listen. His pace slowed down, just before he was going to stop though, his foot fell of an edge. Acting immediately, his hands clamped down on anything that it could find. Which happened to be smooth leather, the feeling of it was ... A shoe. What would He rather do? Fall into the dark pit or stay holding onto someone's shoe? PIT. But before he could let go, the rough hand before gripped him hand and pulled him up. Percy whimpered in pain as the grip on his Probably broken wrist tightened, its like he could physically feel the pain.

'Listen here! Goody goody, I don't care that you won't betray your family, I will haunt you till you agree, If not, you will be one of the last to suffer like that Di Angelo kid. I have watched you ever since you were born, I know secrets that you have yet to know! I will give you hints on the way till I choose to tell you, ok? Actually, I will make you a deal, when I choose to tell you these secrets, you can choose if you want to join me, my arms will be open wide, oh, and I guess I haven't introduced myself yet, I Am Kronos, Titan Of Time And Father Of The Eldest Olympians and your grandfather, hm so, do we have a deal young child'

Percy was more than petrified, it was indescribable, he wanted to know what this secret was so bad, but Kronos was pretty much saying that it could change his life. But who had been keeping secrets from him.

'Okay Deal, but i will not join you' with those final words, the grip loosened on his aching hand and he slipped into the dark cavern. He couldn't, no didnt scream, he didn't move, he only fell into the cavern, his thoughts were wishing that he could wake up soon.

It felts like he had been falling for hours till the darkness started to glow a dark blood red. Percy could see the ground, that was the good new, but the bad news? It was closing in quickly, the cavern grew, it looked never ending. Percy wondered if he didn't wake up, would he be able to get out of this place?

WAKE UP PERCY, he heard, but he couldn't, he tried to it felt like there was a force stopping him, preventing him to awake from the terrible dream. The ground was coming closer and the air was getting thicker and it burned his throat like swallowing glass.


He shot up and his forehead connected with another. A loud thump was heard throughout the silver cabin. 'Oh gosh, that was probably the worst dream ever, this is that Kronos guy everyone is scared of, ugh, I'd hate to meet him in reality instead of mentally' he thought. A low painful groan was all it took to break percy out of his concentration and break the peaceful silence in the room.

Peering down at the wooden floorboards, a feminine body lay upon it, seeming injured for she was groaning in pain. One pale hand resting on their red forehead which seemed to have a bump on it while the other was planted on the floor, supporting their weight. She wore a glowing silver outfit with a small but delicate tiara that sat upon their head to finish the look, they also were lightly cursing under their breaths.

"Ugh, gosh, no need to hurt me, I have been trying to wake you up for five minutes! And what do you do when I finally manage to? go bloody beat me up and probably even give me a freakin concussion! you were talking to yourself in your sleep you bloody weirdo" that smooth familiar voice yelled at him. He flinched, it had to be the lieutenant, Thalia Grace, and to make the matter worse, she was a daughter of Zeus and had a short temper just like her dad.

"Heh, sorry about that PineCone Face, just had a bad dream was all" he replied sheepishly, smoothly rubbing the back of his neck, eyes gazing at the now interesting floorboard.

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