Well shit

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Oh shit guys... damn it's been a while hasn't it! 😅 I... apologise for this long wait but I had kind of gotten out of Percy Jackson and went on with other fandoms, not bothering to finish this story. But that is no excuse and I'm terribly sorry for all of you who actually enjoyed this story because trust me, I was surprised since I really do not like my own writing. Though... I guess I will try finish this for you but I can't promise the quickest updates because I have another account which I update on but it won't take this long to update.

Now for the OC's I have chosen? Well they're *DRUM ROOOLLLLLL*
@Demon_ruler and @SonOfDemeter

Characters/OC's (I may have changed a few things but mostly everything is the same, explaining in detail not only Could help you understand the character but it also helps me in detail on who the character is)
Ashley Valereo but prefers to be called ash. Is a female and birthday is 16, born on February the 15.
Ash's godly parent is Apollo (God of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge) and mortal parent is Katie Valereo. Their power being Good work medicine, nearly if not a perfect aim with a Bow and Arrow. Also being on the gods side.
Now more about what kind of person they are. They are quiet but also tend to ramble a lot when they are talking. They're the type of person to express their emotions through actions instead of words by sometimes acting violent and are stubborn. They're socially awkward and are quite nerdy at times, though extremely intelligent.
Their race is Norwegian and appearance is Ash Brown Hair with light coloured high lights, even tanned skin with dark blue eyes, their body figure is of that of a runners so not too muscular but not too lean.
She enjoys to read, sing, go on adventures or quests when given permission but mostly enjoys spending her time on perfecting her aim using a Bow and Arrow. Dislikes being bullies, others who are homophobic and people who dare touch her food.
They happen to have a crush on our next OC~

Talking about our next OC~ let's bring Asher Hortus to the stage! Asher Hortus is quite similar to Ashley as he ALSO prefers being called Ash~ oh do I smell a love triangle? I believe I do.
Asher is a 15 year old male (who is ready to mingle... OKAY IM JOKING AROUND) born on the 20th of may~ when spring starts. Their godly parents being... Persephone! (Goddess of the underworld, springtime, flowers and vegetation) and mortal parent being Joe Furla and a sibling called Lillian Hortus. And with being a child of a god comes power~ and his power is Phytokenesis (the ability to control plants)!!!
For the war they are on the gods side! They're nerdy and loud, but also mature. Though they're called clumsy a lot as he tends to trip over his own 2 feet a lot. What he makes up for that is that he is a strong willed person. This does not mean he doesn't have any fears!!! His biggest fear is his... step father. Hades. God of the underworld. Hades was never a fan of the young demigod as he was a spawn of his wives and a mortal.
They're African American and of course Greek. Appearance wise~ their skin being fair and a light chocolate shade, fitting perfectly with his brown eyes, also having black messy hair. Tends to wear floral printed shirts (he always gets teased by the Aphrodite children for his sense of fashion) but does not prefer dark colours.
Likes of Ash's are Flowers, Tree's, animals, warmth (oh he loves cuddles), family, weapons (mostly staffs and spears) and takes trust very seriously. He loves floral colours and always hangs out with Katie Gardner, usually spending their time planting. Now on to his dislikes, he HATES the dark, he also doesn't like to be alone as he feels abandoned, hurting nature is also a big no no on his list, he takes the harking of nature very seriously. But lost of all? He dislikes the Hades kids, poor Nico. Neither of them got along.
Their crush? Julie Young, Daughter of Hebe.

There are the OC's and thank you for everyone's participation!!!

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