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The Doctor P.O.V
(Before the shoot out)

As I walked out, I felt bad. Donna was right, she was young. She shouldn't put herself in danger. I already felt attached to her, with her quirks and strange way of speaking, the way she stared at the world with wonder. I felt bad when I heard about her sister, also hearing she'd dealt with worse than a gun shot wound. On the other hand, she'd proven to Sherlock she wanted to help, and COULD. We also DID need more information. Going without more information, could be suicide. Oh well, he thought as they stood out there. He turned and looked at her. John and Sam had gone to Donna. He should go too. Suddenly Phoena was gone. She appeared in front of Donna and the others, extending wings. They appeared to be about 15ft across, with what appeared to be golden feathers and, at a second glance I noticed red ones. I only had a moment to admire them when I heard gunfire. I was about to rush to their aid when surprisingly firm arms wrapped around me.

"You'll only get yourself killed!" Sherlock said.

"Let me go!" I replied not caring that he was right. "I have to go to her. DONNA!!"

To my right I heard a scuffle.

I turned slightly to my right for a second and saw Castiel gripping Dean.

"John!!!!" Sherlock called behind me. Strange... it almost seemed as if he cared.

Phoena shouted something I didn't here but Castiel did.

"Listen! If I let you go, I can stop this, but DO NOT run out there. You won't be helping Sam." Castiel yelled at Dean and then vanished. He was about to go despite what Castiel said but Sherlock tripped him and slammed his foot on Dean's back.


The gunfire stopped. Sherlock suddenly released me and I raced foward. Phoena closed her wings. Blood started to flow freely from her back. She blacked out. Dean got there first, picking her up faceing the ground so he wouldn't hurt her.

"Sammy you ok?!"

"Yeah Dean I'M fine. She... isn't.

Castiel flashed down. "Get cover. We don't know if there are more."

I ran up to Donna who looked terrified and pissed. We all headed back to 221C and back into the infirmary. Dean layed her on her stomach, as John began cleaning the wound and hooking up machinery.

"It doesn't look good... I've seen wounds like this before, in Afghanistan. Not many survived if any. Generally they died from blood loss..." John said, his expression unchanged.

"That could of been us..." Sam reminded us as if we'd forgotten.

Who... who would do something like this?" Donna asked and I turned to her.


"You're very right. The man on the building was a demon." Castiel said.

"I thought as much. Moriarty wouldn't have approved of this. It was probably an over ruling on behalf of the Master and Crowley. Moriarty wouldn't be all that pleased after this. We could use it our advantage." Sherlock just about smiled.

"The Master definitely would've approved of this." The Doctor supplied helpfully.

"ARE YOU PEOPLE HEARTLESS?!" Donna suddenly shouted. "There is a little girl dying over ther and you're STRATEGIZING!!!!!" She stormed out to the console.

"Sorry. She's just a little sensi-" I began.

"She's right." Sam said and left too.

"For the record I'd storm out too if I wasn't needed to help her." John said as he frowned. "The cloak is making it hard to clean her wounds. Could one of you ask Donna to help me change her into a gown so I could better see her injuries?"

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