A Phoenix Rising

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Dean's P.O.V.

Donna was on her knees at the edge of the bed crying. I just stood there. I really wondered why Donna was crying. we barely knew this chick, and now she was ashes. People tended to die around Sammy and I was unfortunately used to it. This girl did save Sammy, for that I was grateful. She also was young... so young. She was an older sister too. She'd lost her sister. I knew how that felt.

"Perhaps we should say something... " Cheekbones said, unsure.

"Uh.. yeah." I agreed, looking at Sammy. He was better at stuff like this.

"Thank you for being so brave, Phoena." John said.

"Thanks for doing your best to help." Sammy said sounding sad. I met his eyes and saw him nod towards me, but the Doctor got there first.

"You were brilliant..." The Doctor said. was he crying too?

Cheekbones also spoke up. "Um... you were a very useful person." Well... at least he tried.

It was my turn. "Uh..."
Suddenly Donna backed up quickly, so quickly she fell on her back. She looked terrified. I looked at the table where she was looking, and pulled out my knife. Sam grabbed Donna and helped her up standing in front of her. What was up with those two? I turned back to the ashes, which seemed to have grown, and were moving.

"Ashes aren't supposed to do that are they, Doc?" I said moving closer.

"No... Sherlock did you come across anything in your research?" The Doctor answered

"Possibly" He replied.

I got closer and heard a gasp below me. I looked down. The was Phona's face gasping for breath. I resisted the urge to stab anyway. I didn't like supernatural things. I put my knife away as all the she's fell off her face. The rest of her was still buried in ashes.

"Need help getting out?" I asked reaching down to dig her out. I may not like the supernatural, but it didn't faze me.

"NO!" she said quickly, and I backed up. "Sorry I just uh..." She started,

"Just what?" I asked, but Donna seemed to understand the look Phoena was giving her. She stirred from her position and pushed past Sammy. Then she brought Phoena's cloak.

"Turn around boys." She said and I understood. We turned around and when Donna said, we turned back around. Phoena's cloak covered her whole body and she and Donna left the infirmary.

"Where are they going?" I asked.

"The wardrobe." The Doctor said.

"What just happened?" John asked bewildered.

"Why John, you just witnessed a Phoenix, rising from the ashes."

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