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A/N: I realize I've been terrible about describing Phoena so this is a filler chapter that should go ahead and have Sherlock describe her for me :)


When we exited the Tardis we headed back to the flat. I was in the lead, I didn't like the Tardis. It defied physics far too much for my taste. I sat down in my chair and began to think. I still knew we could use Phonea as a way to get information. Especially now that Moriarty was on edge, information could be given out carelessly. Phoena came up the stairs and layer on my couch. I frowned as she fell asleep.

"She said that the process takes a lot of her energy." The red head, Donna said in explanation.

I nodded still irritated. John, Dean and The Doctor had left to get food. I didn't know he long ago. Castiel, the supposed angel had also gone with no explanation. Samuel had taken John's bad upstairs, in need of rest. Donna yawned.

"I'm going to my room back on the Tardis." She announced. "Watch her will you?" She left before I could respond.

I looked over at the sleeping girl's form as the sun went down. I had done a quick job deducing her before, but now in this silence I had an opportunity to do better. As I looked at her I notice led her reaching out in her sleep, which again told me of her missing or dead younger sister. However she also was laying on her side as if she expected to be held. That suggested she was separated, or lost a recent love. He also could see her face now that her hood was off. Her short cropped hair and miniscule make up suggested a distant or non feminine maternal figure. She had chosen to be a 'Tom boy' because of that. He hair was brown and slightly wavy. Another thing I hadn't noticed before was a a red a gold feather was in her hair. The dress she had chosen from the Tardis wardrobe was simple, but... medieval. It was strange and suggested something else was about to happen that I didn't understand and that bothered me. Even though her eyes were closed at the moment I knew they were golden hazel, and could briefly flash gold. I continued to stare at her puzzled about her clothing when I heard John's keys in the door. Then I heard my the neanderthal, DEAN, loudly complaining about the lack of 'burgers'. However John was the first in the flat.

"What are you doing? How long have you been staring at her like that?" He asked as Dean came up behind him.

I turned to face him. "Thinking. About as long as you've been gone." I shrugged.

"Creepy man. Staring at a girl for that long while she's sleeping..." Dean said looking serious.

I turned to him. "Look at what she's wearing. It's a bit medieval for this time? I was wondering why she might've decided to wear it." I snapped.

"Kay man no need to get antsy." Dean defended.

The Doctor walked in with fish and chips and I just sighed. These people were so extraordinary, while at the same time so ordinary

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